Is he also starting on a CGM? I would 100% suggest he does, as it makes the diabetes management structure that much more sustainable. Start a CGM early, and don’t wait like I did and regret it. Omnipod is a GREAT pump and offers a new lease on life, if done properly in conjunction with a CGM. AT 14 - he will need a LOT of adjustments as puberty is a b^%ch. Having that CGM will give him, as well as you the ability to monitor and control the pump settings in near real time. He goes low in the middle of the night - YOU get an alert ( and it WILL wake you up). He goes high during a Pizza Fest and you can get him back on track with the correct extended bolus. I feel for this young man - but the better control he gets NOW the better quality of life he will enjoy, and the better control he will have in the future. This is no joke, and data and a good understanding of the tech will add years to his life. I REALLY do wish you the best of luck - I have been on the Omnipod for years, so feel free to PM me with any questions.