I have Pod Training this afternoon: any tips for things to bring up with the trainer?

I am excited to begin my omnipod experience this afternoon, with my pod training. Are there any questions, tips, or topics that you’ve thought of after using the pod that you wished were part of the training or that you had discussed with your trainer? I’m sure the training is thorough, but is there anything you recommend I bring up (aside from when the new PDM is coming out!).

I just took what I hope is my last injection at lunch and look forward to pumping this afternoon.


I recommend asking about the problem some people have with high BG for a few hours after pod changes. It seems to be highly dependent on the person and the pod location, but it is something that has taken me almost a year to get a handle on. Maybe your trainer has heard of some techniques (like a high temp basal and/or extra bolus) that can help you if it happens to you.

You will be pumping before you leae your training. Congratulations, i had mine Monday and it really works super!!

Thanks Eric, I’ll ask him. Btw, I see you’re in Tampa, as am I. Glad to see your insightful and helpful contributions in this group, it’s been very useful in my decision to move to the omnipod. Thanks.

Ah, then your trainer will probably be Chris. He’s very good, and I’ve recently spoken to him about this problem.
Tell him I say “hi.”

Actually, the trainer is David Joffe. It looks like he’s the editor of diabetesincontrol.com. He sounded very knowledgeable on the phone.