Great news!

Hi all! Those that know me know I have had a struggle with doctors. I went and saw the new endo today and he looked at my previous labs and said you are type 1. I said yeah 1.5 or LADA, he said no you are type1 with pcos. So I was happy to have the correct diagnoses, and his idea for my blood sugars was great to. Although I must say he said that I should use whatever amount of insulin to get my bs to 120 and after a week there at 120 to start taking 1 unit off every other day to lesson the insulin amount, I’m thinking he thinks I might have glucose toxicity any ideas on the taking one unit away theory? Also in 2 weeks I go back for a testosterone test. I think next year our family might be switching to blue cross blue shield. Let’s just hope I can stay with this endo until then. At least with this diagnosis I can get the tools I need with the insurance, and at this point I don’t care about the pump, I just want to get consistent control with MDI. I’m really excited about this doctor.

That is great news. Finally a doctor that you like, that listens and who sounds credible and competent.

I like the idea of getting your blood sugar normalized and then backing off. I’ve actually started doing that. I’ve backed off 6 units on my basal dose this last week. I think as you get your blood sugar normalized, you will actually get a bit more insulin sensitive and need less insulin.

congratulations on finding a doctor who listens, Stardust. Just FYI doctors don’t officially recognize LADA, so unless he is more enlightened than most he will call you simply type 1, which is what all of us LADAs are anyway. LADA just refers to our onset, after some time we can’t be differentiated from any other type 1. Good luck on working with him and getting a good management system. Blue Cross/Blue Shield has a pretty wide range of approved doctors, btw, do you know for sure he isn’t on their list?

He is on their list! But he even said that I need to drop kaiser. So next year when we can choose our insurance plan I am switching over to Blue cross blue shield. He said there is less hassle with them.

Good job BSC! THanks to you both! I am very excited about this new method he suggested. We shall see.

That’s funny, I’m going the other direction. I have Anthem/Blue Cross but will be switching to Kaiser in open enrollment in November to save money. I prefer not to, but could use the extra cash and since my criteria for a doctor is someone who “doesn’t bother me” I think I can find that if I advocate for myself at Kaiser.

Anyway, glad you’re finally getting good care. Though I think the “after a week at 120” is a bit optimistic. I have not found my blood sugar to be anything like that consistent!

LOL! yeah I know. But we shall see. Kaiser is okay, but to me a lot of limitations. I have not really been that impressed with the doctor’s.