Guardian 3 sensors and insurance

For months now with the help of my endocrinologist, I have been trying to get Guardian 3 sensors approved by Medi-cal. But the prior authorizations, appeals, peer-to-peer reviews, and grievances are all been denied. I am frustrated at this medical insurance system, as they seem to not understand that I suffer from hypoglycemia unawareness and have my pump records and hospital visits as proof and that these sensors can greatly improve my health. I am reaching out today to ask anyone that Medical and Medtronic Guardian 3 sensor what their experiences are with the approval process and any suggestion on how to get these sensors approved.

The FDA has not approved Medtronic sensors because they are used to control insulin infusion with the 670G system and a lot of testing needs to be done before the FDA will give their approval. Hopefully, within the next 6 to 12 months, the approval will be issued.

Occasionally, Guardian sensors can be had on e-bay; however, you have to be quick because it is against e-bay rules to list prescription required devices and e-bay takes them off when they see them.

I bought three boxes of expired sensors and so far the first four sensors have worked well for 14 days.