Had to go to the ER this morning

I sort of understand that as a protection of people's privacy,and online sites have privacy rules. Though it feels a bit uncomfortable to suggest that non-admin people "can not speculate" if they wish.

In "real life" people are interested in what happens to someone who disappears from their midst. It can be more disconcerting when someone in an online community disappears because it's like they are here and then one day you notice you haven't heard from them for awhile. Or it comes up, like this, that they are no longer a part of the community. If one of us were be hospitalized, disabled, die or go to prison, we might never know unless a relative who knew they were a part of our community got online to tell us.

Perhaps someone who is not administration and is free to say will choose to share. Many people on this site have put a large amount of time and effort into trying to help Gary even when it was frustrating, which I think beautifully demonstrated the caring nature of our community. I would like to know at least that he's ok

I'm certainly speculating. Perhaps I argued with Gary a lot but, occasionally (e.g. this thread...), I'd like to think that I got along ok w/ him, since we both like Van Halen and all that.

Yes, it does seem you had a connection with him on music things; but I think that even when we "argued" with him it was always in an attempt to help him. In a way how people in this community respond to someone who is "difficult" or "doesn't get it" especially over time, is a real statement of the culture of caring and being willing to help and not judge that is so amazing about this community

He didn't come here to get help but rather to seek sympathy. He got plenty of that along with a good dose of help. Unfortunately the help suggested to him was not of the kind he wanted and he was to hear nothing of it. There was never a response given to him that wasn't given with the best intentions.

I hate it that he has left because we can all use the support we get here. I hope he has found some place else to satisfy his needs.

Gary S

It's always sad when someone leaves. I thought the community was incredibly patient with Gary, and invariably polite, despite the fact that every suggestion was parried and then rejected.

Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,

Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind,

yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron!

long years numberless as the wings of trees!

Yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier

The long years have passed like swift draughts

mi oromardi lissë-miruvóreva

of the sweet mead in lofty halls

Andúnë pella, Vardo tellumar

beyond the West, beneath the blue vaults of Varda

nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni

wherein the stars tremble

ómaryo airetári-lírinen.

in the voice of her song, holy and queenly.

Sí man i yulma nin enquantuva?

Who now shall refill the cup for me?

An sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo

For now the Kindler, Varda, the Queen of the stars,

ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë

from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds

ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë

and all paths are drowned deep in shadow;

ar sindanóriello caita mornië

and out of a grey country darkness lies

i falmalinnar imbë met,

on the foaming waves between us,

ar hísië untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë.

and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya for ever.

Sí vanwa ná, Rómello vanwa, Valimar!

Now lost, lost to those of the East is Valimar!

Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Valimar!

Farewell! Maybe thou shalt find Valimar!

Nai elyë hiruva! Namárië!

Maybe even thou shalt find it! Farewell!

The gery guy left?!i just knew today.well hope he finds that inner peace his looking for.