Sitting in e.r

So I got up today with a good fasting blood sugar of 108, did my normal routine of working out, bolusing for half the carbs, temp basal rate etc. Got done and I checked blood sugar was up to 456. Checked out infusion set etc, everything looked good. So I bolused to correct blood sugar, fast forward 2 hours, recheck of blood sugar,. I am now sitting at 456. Checked for ketones, moderate. Endo has no on call number, they always say go to e.r., e.r. drs will call them. Have slight upset stomach, lethargic so I decided to go off to e.r. Blood sugar check here is 483, immediately triaged, put in trauma room in case of crash. Assigned a doctor to me that has a type 1 kiddo on an insulin pump. Told him what was going on and that I needed labs, fluid, iv zofran before I even knew he had a type 1 kiddo. He agreed with me and then told me he was familiar with what was going on. Also agreed with me I didn’t appear to be in DKA, so they are checking for infections and the normal stuff with blood work. Thankfully I have laptop and they have free wifi.

Sorry this is happening to you, Cody. But it sounds like you are in good…no excellent…hands - a doctor who knows firsthand about Type 1- how cool is that? I’m glad you have your laptop and wifi, I had no clue that hospitals now have wifi, good to know. Hopefully you will be good to go shortly. Only thing I might have done differently is to just automatically change the infusion set even if it seemed ok, and take a shot for correction. But I hate going to doctors let alone ER’s, so would have done anything to avoid it. Only time I’ve ever been to an ER is when my car ended up upside down over an embankment. But better safe, no? Let us know how it goes.

Pretty much a rarity when you get someone that you don’t have to fight to get what you need.

That really sucks, especially on the week end. I’m glad they got you in right away instead of getting sicker while sitting in the waiting room. Can you call someone to come sit with you?

Parents have my daughter for me so I am here alone but I am ok. They said they probably won’t keep me, just get some iv fluids and insulin in me.

Agree with changing infusion set. Have had recent trouble w/quicksets that have not inserted correctly with kink in cannula and that really messes up the world even though pump says insulin goes in it doesn’t! And drink lots of water, lots of finger sticks to monitor sugar changes, and injection for correction until can figure out if the pump/site is the problem. Hope you get home soon and all gets back to normal quickly!

Good luck with getting your blood sugar back in control. I think you did the right thing erring on the side of caution and making the conservative, but painful decision, to go to the ER. You did the right thing.

As others have commented, I would have changed the infusion set/site with the 456 number. And I would have not administered the correction insulin with the pump, even with the new infusion site. At that point it would have been a good idea to draw up the insulin correction into a syringe from a new bottle of insulin and then shoot up.

Then I would probably do a fingerstick blood test every half hour and write down all the info so you could report it to a doctor if needed.

Live and learn. These lessons can be frustrating at times but I’ll bet you’ll handle it differently next time. Unfortunately, there will probably be a next time! Good luck.

I am out of there. Blood sugar came down to 255 with fluids and 5 units of regular insulin via iv. Labs were all normal, no blood ketones, no elevated white blood cell count. Urine shows small amounts of ketones and small amount of sugar. Reason I didn’t pull infusion set or do injection is because I wasn’t at home and I had no syringes or spare infusion set with me. Sugar is dropping so fast that I suspended pump for 30 min and will check sugar often until I feel safe it is to to let it go back to normal on pump. Was so nice not to have to argue with doctor though.