Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be weird. One thing that can happen is called hair shock. If you have a stress, like a strict diet, a trauma or something as small as a medication change, that can cause a marked hair loss. Usually your hair follicles cycle through with some going dormant every couple years on a contining basis. When the follicles wake up, they start growing, but the attached hair is dropped. Now since this usually happens on a continuing basis, you have a slow steady loss and it matches the rate of new hair growth.

But when you have a shock to your system, typically from a nutritional deficiency or hormone imbalance, all the follicles (or most) go dormant at once. Then when the stress is over, all those follicles wake up and start growing again. Since they all start growing, they all drop the hair and you have what is called shock hair loss.

The good news is that this sort of loss is transient and your hair will grow back. What really sucks is that you do have hair loss and if you have hair down to your waist, you spent literally years growing and caring for that hair and it will take a while to grow back as thick. You can read more about this by googling “shock hair loss.” It is common to have this happen if you have used an extreme calorie restricted diet.

ooooooh no. We don’t leave the country. Not rich enough.

That is most helpful BSC. I do actually have a very strict caloric intake- meaning I very rarely eat. Just don’t have an appetite. On an average day, I eat about 600-800 calories- IF THAT. Some days I will take a walk to McDonalds and eat a Big Mac- I’m not afraid to eat, but typically I only eat a few hundred calories per day and that’s enough to keep me energized and going.

I will research more about this. Thanks!

… yeah, I’m not looking into that idea either. : ) Glad you made it back!

The net keeps saying “shock loss” or “natural shock loss” is only for people w hair transplants?

I experienced hair loss because of what I believe was due to school this semester. I would recommend CHI Ionic Power Plus Hair Kit. I have been using it for a while and I have seen a huge differece… no more baby hairs sticking straight up! My hair is also starting to get a bit thicker. A bit pricey for the little bottles but deffinately worth it.

I learn so much from you guys:) I share, when I know something.

I am so glad you got in on donating blood…I filled out the questionnaire early on…before Phase I but, f/u when I saw you were donating blood. I got an appt for Sept 2010 and hope the trials show positive outcomes. Maybe we will both get in on Phase II or Phase III! Would be great to meet in person one of these days:) Be well Marps…enjoy knowing you and learning together.

ugh, i hate those baby hairs- now that my hair is finally growing back in, that’s all i’ve got out front is the stupid little hairs growing back… wait,not stupid- they’re good little soldiers! Glad to see them back!
Have you any experience w Pantene and/ or John Frieda cleansers?
I’m leery of switching brands of shampoo because I had such a hard time these past few months.
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into it. See if I can find some reviews to compare? :slight_smile:

Hi Marps,

I know this probably isn’t relevant for you, but hair loss on your feet and legs is a sign of poor circulation.

I participated in a diabetic foot study, and one of the things that they checked was for healthy hair growth on our feet. I guess one of the first things to suffer from poor circulation is hair.

Don’t freak out! I believe this only applies to extremities like your feet and hands.

haha, well I’m no Frodo, but I do have light hairs on my feet and hands. Nothing changed there. :slight_smile: I guess it COULD be poor circulation to the brain- causing hair loss on top of my head. :slight_smile:

I’ve dealt with alopecia areata for a good number of years. Shortly after testing for T2, they tested for autoimmunity related to the alopecia; they said it isn’t, but I have to believe that because I am now T1 the alopecia MUST be autoimmune. And it’s certainly gotten worse in the two months since T1 Dx. Maybe I’m an alopecia 1.5…


Use Vit D3 to supplement, not D2. D3 should be in oil based caps for best absorption. I found inexpensive D3 in high potency at Swanson’s Vitamins on-line. Their store brand was the cheapest.

If you need B12 ask your doc about injections. It’s really inexpensive to do yourself & the best way to get B12. Hey, we’re used used to shots:)

Does sound like you have some celiac symptoms.

Glad your hair is coming back!

I have had the same problem since head diagnosed like 4 monthes ago. I thought the same thing that it was from shampoo or thenew aveda hairspray I was using but nothing is seeming to help. Evenwen I run my fingers through my hair a small gob of hair will come right out. I’ve also noticed that my hair has become much frizzier and staicy allllll the time. Who gives? Any suggestions

I feel like I am the queen of panic when it comes to hair loss. One thing that will affect it is hormones. But also if you change birth control it will shed and then grow back. I don’t think it is the diabetes itself or BD medication.
I always believe your body is telling you something and it is our job to figure out what it is saying. Any weight loss?
Oh an also my hair sheds a little every fall and grows back. My re growth now from the fall is about an inch and a half.

Hi Alison

Actually, yes, I have some regrowth coming in.
I’ve been losing about 10 lbs per 3 months, but you can’t really tell and I’m certainly not changing any of my habits to make myself lose weight. I think I look pretty good as I am (besides the nagging feeling that I’m a woman and I’m never skinny enough- thanks adolescence) haha.

My re growth is also about an inch and a half. It’s frustrating. I’ve never dealt with this before. I can’t wait for it to finish growing in!

I’m new to this site. I am LADA or nearly LADA. I recently found this out only because I knew that I had a Celiac gene. I was getting oddly thirsty and brought my genetic testing to the Endo. My immunoassays for Celiac were negative while the GAD antibodies were way not normal, so I don’t know if it is possible to not have Celiac, but to have Diabetes because one is switched on and one isn’t. However, my hair loss has been absolutely crazy. Both my T3/T4 levels have been monitored closely, and I take Vit D, but I’ve gone low carb. I eat very little gluten, but was planning on seeing if going gf would help my hair loss. BTW, immunoassays for Celiac will not be positive if you do not consume enough wheat before the test. I tested before I suspected diabetes.


I’m glad that you’ve found our site. Being here has helped me in coming to terms with my disease in a huge way. It took me 9 years to get up the courage to talk about my T1D.

In response to your post, a friend of mine has Celiac’s disease but does NOT have Type 1. And as far as I know, I don’t have Celiacs, but am getting checked out for it due to these crazy symptoms that I’ve been experiencing for the past few years and am just now noticing.

Hope they find a way to make me feel better!

Let us know if we can help, Sheila. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the welcome. I am on a Celiac list because my dd is gf and the vast majority are not diabetic, but I’m more interested in finding reverse statistics - are there people with one Celiac gene who aren’t Celiac, but are diabetic. Having the gene doesn’t mean that you develop diabetes or Celiac. In fact, I’m 56yo and never had any inklings of diabetes before this year.

my hair hasn’t been the same since i’ve been diagnosed either. I found out i have hypothryroidism, my hair was falling out and felt dead the pills help. My hair still falls out sometimes, my doc says it could be the stress cause my levels are fine (i’m always stressed about something).

ALSO alot of hair dressers say not to use pantane, i don’t know exactly why. Maybe ask your hair dresser to recommend a shampoo. Don’t forget your hair can get used to your shampoo and conditioner, maybe look into a different kind.

I noticed I hardly have any hair on my legs and none on my feet. Thought I was just getting old.