Half Marathon Carb Loading

On Sunday March 4, 2012 I will be running my second Half Marathon. Does anyone have any advice for carb loading for this race it has a 7 am start. First of all I know carb loading is taboo for diabetics but in my first Half marathon I completed my training no problem and in mile 10 of the race I had to walk due to muscle fatigue. I was able to run the last half mile at a decent pace, not my usual pace, but I had stoppedany 2 water stations and drank as much Gatorade as possible to replenish carbs. I had suspended my omnipod insulin delivery and my level was in the high end of the “normal” range just before the race. My plan is to eat mostly high carb fruits and veggies up until 48 hrs before race time and then a few meals add in some complex carbs like potatoes and rice the two days before. Gonna have my usual lucky breakfast of coffee, a whole wheat bagel and peanut butter the morning of since it has worked for all my long runs with no stomach issues. Thanks in advance for any advice and keep on running folks!!!

Some thoughts based on what I've done in the past (seems similar to yours) below. Curious whether muscle fatigure was due to going out harder than anticipated, possible dehydration, or something else. For food...
Day before - cut all fiber at 11am
-Increase salt intake (esp. if heat will be an issue)
-Have a lunch that is mostly carbohydrate, low fat, and includes some protein. Target ~800-1000 calories. White breads, pastas, pretzels etc are good as are sandwiches.
-Dinner of proportion and no fiber with a slightly larger protein component.

Race Day - wakeup at least 2-3hrs before the race.
-400-700 calories. Ex: Bagel plain or with jelly + apple juice + banana
-Strong cup of coffee
-Finish meal so that stomach is nearly empty 30 min before start.
-Sip 8-16oz of water.
-Off to the races (basal @ 0-50% depending on pre-race BG level, gels every 1/2 hr to hour depending on BGs). Post race temp basal for several hours, extra carbs in 2nd post race meal.

Good luck in your race!

Thanks for the info. I was looking around at tips and everyone says to cut out the fiber and not eat anything new to your diet. I like your plan and will use some of it. This is my first Rock N Roll series race so I am super pumped!!!

I am running my first half in April. I wonder, since I am on MDI, if I should cut my basal back the night before? If I regularly run 7 miles, do you think it is necessary to change the diet I already follow on my long run days (10 to 11 miles for long runs)?

Hope that you got everything figured out. Just wanted to stop by and say "have fun and best wishes on your half marathon". Enjoy!

So... how did it go?

I eat a good carb loaded but not too much the night before, in the am I try not to bolus unless I am super high, I want my bg around 200 before start, I disconnect from my pump for half marathons and shorter, I usually have a gu gel around mile 5.5 and then another around the 10 mi mark if I feel like I need it, this works for me and my bg is usually under 100 when I am done.