Has anyone switched their child from Omnipod to Animas Ping?

We have had two bad experiences with Omnipod. My dtr is 5, dx’d Sept 2010, pumping with Omnipod since Dec 2010. We had half of a box of pods fail on us earlier this year and I insisted they send a new box as a replacement vs using the rest of the box. Now we have had the same issue this month and have had 7 out of 10 fail either on priming, during wear, and one they want back because our dtr mysteriously went up to 500 in the middle of the night and we don’t think the pod was working at all nor did it alarm. All from the same box, lot number (or course), and with in 10 of each other on the sequence number. Then we had an occlusion on the pod she was wearing last night sometime between 2-4am so that makes 8 total. I’m so frustrated because I know it is not user error. The ping would have been my second choice and we went with the pod d/t the tubeless aspect. I hate the thought of tubing and Sophia to have to carry around a pump on her waist band but at this point I don’t feel I can trust the quality of the omnipod system and need to do what’s best for her health.

Has anyone else switched, how did your child tolerate the change, and did your insurance allow it or are you just stuck paying out of pocket?

I have not switched, but I have totally felt your pain! We started in June on the Omnipod and the first couple pods worked great… then the next group it just didnt seem as though he was getting insulin. I would bolus over and over and his bg would stay steady or even rise. Omnipod even had me meet their trainer (again) to ensure it wasn’t something I was doing wrong. I troubleshot everything I could think to do-- then removed the pod prior to de-activating and bolused. Just as I suspected, no insulin came out for the first couple clicks. After discovering this, they replaced the entire lot and we have not had any trouble since (hope I dont jinx myself).
I can completely empathize with you on your frustration, and wish you the best if you do switch. I think the Omnipod has a lot of great features, but it certainly can try your patience as well. Its just a matter of whether the pro’s outweigh the con’s… I do know a mother whose son has been on the Ping for almost two years and she is very happy with it. She says it too has its drawbacks, but it still beats multiple daily injections!

I am SO glad to hear your story!!! I have often wondered “is this thing even working?!?” because of those same issues!!! Of course I wasn’t as smart as you to take it off and bolus to see if anything came out (DUH)!! Now I know that I’M NOT CRAZY for thinking this. And sometimes I think “wow, did it just give everything I’ve tried to bolus all day all at once?” because her bg will just plummet again for no reason. The people at Omnipod assured me that there was no way the pod would ever malfunction like that and not alarm… We are up to 9 fails now this month. Still hanging in there though. I’ve been trying to adjust her settings since Kindergarten started but this has really made it difficult! I’m curious as to what Lot number you experienced this with. Thanks again for your response :slight_smile:

I am on PDM nuber 46. The pods fail constantly and dont larm. they are extremely painful. over the last 3 years I have had 33 days of ketones to hospitalization point because the pod just did not alarm and spontaniouly in the middle of the night they stop delivering. at the pump class i went to recently the trainer said oh 1 in 10 pods fail well i corrected her and says atleast 6 in 10 pods fail. i went to a pumpclass because my suffering with the omnipod wil be over soon. Minimed and Animas are the best. they are very reliable and the customer service is amazing. tubing is really no big deal… I would get the ping if I were you

I’m sorry you had such a frustrating experience with omnipod :frowning: That sounds horrible! We are on PDM #2 in under a year. From the looks of your picture you have switched to a tubed pump or will be switching? What did your insurance cover or do you have to pay out of pocket for the new pump or have you reached the 4 yr limit?

Right now I am using the omnipod. But I trialed the minimed 523 (in picture) and for once in my life I could relax I knew that it was trust worthy. A famous line by my doctor is “every pump fails” but she often forgets to add is “but no pumps fail like the omnipod!” The 7 day trial was amazing. My blood sugars stayed pretty much excellent my lowest was a 77 and my highest was 243. Usually I am either really low or really high or on my way to really high or really low with the omnipod. My expierience with the minimed was like the next best thing to a cure. My blood sugars were consistent and I just felt better. my mood was better my whole body felt better because I was in normal range. To go 7 days with out ketones of failing was amazing I would happily say those 7 days were the best days I have had since diagnosis. I have never trialed the animas but I know many people are very happy with it. I thought tubing would be a big deal but it really is not. the sites for minimed and animas are much more comfertable and secure. they don’t wobble like the pod does. this is a big deal because there are much less occlusions. (if any.)

I will be switching to minimed very soon. My warranty on the omnipod is up on 12-15-11. I am not waiting my health is at risk… I should have the minimed in few weeks

Yes Gabby,
We just said good-bye to Omnipod. In my estimation 1/3 of our box of pods failed.
Actually, this was always a question that my doctor asked me, which is why I know that. I started to keep track.
This really explains a lot.
I am sooo happy with my daughter’s Minimed. The tubing, is not at all scary like I thought.
This is a very accurate pump!

I started pumping with minimed and my blood sugars are amazing! No failures. No suffering. No pain! Just smooth safe sailing! This is by far the best my blood sugars have been my whole life. I will never go back to omnipod and I will advise eveery diabetic I come in contact with against it. I use about 20 units less on the minimed than I did with the omnipod. I love minimed’s support. I love everything about minimed! I am in the process of writing a letter to minimed. it will be sent to the high up personel! anyway sorry for my month late response!

Glad to hrar it!

My doctor declared the Minmed a medical nessecity and my insurance covered it completely. I have used it since friday the 14th!

Good to know!!!

Ok, I’m jealous :wink: Glad to hear the good news!!!

hello. i’m new here and sorry if i don’t directly answer your question but i wanted to let you know my 12yo daughter has been using this http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&biw=1280&bih=601&q=animas+2020&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi and this http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&biw=1280&bih=601&q=silhouette+catheter&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi for almost a year. she’s happy & confortable with them, including at night. we had no occlusion or problem of any type and the patch stays on (belly) up to 5 days. I’m in France (we don’t pay anything for these. chronic illnesses are covered 100%) so I don’t know about what you can get over there and what is insurance covered… but i hope you’ll find something that works better for your sweet girl.