Hi, just wondering if anyone has any experience with a really great cream or treatment to heal all these poor little poked fingers. I use antibiotic creams and bandage a few of them up for a day to give them a break, but i wonder if there are any better ideas out there?
I like to use Kerry;s Miracle Salve - you have to order online at kerrysherbals.com - but it works wonders - we used to use it on diaper rash and other boo boos - it also works great on chapped skin . . .
Thanks Vicki, I will give it a try
We use a Fingers Skin Cream with Austrailian Tea Tree Oil. Sounds fancy but it is a Walgreens-brand product. It cleans the calluses pretty well but does have a pretty strong smell.
I have been using her toes and fingers just alternating and using a diabetic lotion to keep them soft.
hi, thanks for the tip. i’ve read about a few other people using toes, but i wonder if it’s risky, considering the potential for nerve damage that is already there. has your doctor ever said anything about this, positive or negative?? thanks again!
their the ones who tested on her toes, if the ready is funky like all over the place for example - 314, 43, 143 on the hands and washing doesnt work they would use her toes cause her feet were in socks and not tampered with, i get two same readings.
We test around 10 times a day if shes low cause i definantly need to keep it stable and some days she will feel funny and come whinning to me to test and long behold shes low or to high.
So after this discussion I decided to ask the doctor about testing on little toes and the tiny itty bitty scabs on fingers and toes.
He told me if you alternate across ten toes and ten fingers religeously their should be any concern, but if your just testing on a particular toe their could be damage.
As tot he scabs he told me they are there not matter what i put on it, sooo if any one has any ideas to get them to go away that would be nice.
Just found another salve from Burt’s Bees (already use Vitamine E capsules and petroleum jelly sometimes). “Hand Salve, a farmer’s friend.” I am going to try some of the others. Also will start using the Pelican Sun lancets.
oooo good one I don’t really know. If you get more info…please share.
My little girl’s gets very sore
What are Pelican Sun lancets? I really need to help my 2year old
i found a Finger Care Cream at walmart called Dermal Therapy which has 20% Urea? anyway, it seems to be working quite well! smells a little funny though
Just started with the Kerry’s, thanks to you, and I’m impressed.
Pelikan Sun is a very expensive lancing device. I purchased it but it does not come with a manual, only a CD. Read about it on children with diabetes online forums. When I run out of lancets I will probably use it sporadically when her fingers get really bad because it is ridiculously expensive and insurance does not cover it. Pelikan Sun is working on getting insurance coverage, however. I have heard rave reviews about the Multiclix lancer, which I believe you can order for $20 separate from the meter. Niece (dx’d at 8, now 11) does not notice a difference. We do use the smallest guage lancets and that helps. Can’t seem to get blood out of her forearm and thumb mound, mounds on palm hurt a lot. I would ask endo about using toes on a two year old, alternate fingers and toes and see if you can get any blood from forearm testing. Multiclix gets so many good reviews from parents that I would try that one first.