My Son used to sleep all sprawled out... now... everytime I go to test him his hands are under his body and I have to pull a hand out from under him to test him. At first it was just every now and is every time! Has anyone else's kid developed this pattern in their sleep. It is kinda sad if you think about it....subconciously... he is protecting his fingers while he is sleeping...EVEN sleep isn't immune from the effects of diabetes. :(
Oh my goodness...YES!!! My daughter dx'd 10/28 does this very same thing!!!!!! She went from a sprawled active sleeper to totally zonked out and yes....her hands are always tucked under her.
That is sad! I use my daughter's toes and she usually doesn't react. However, she's been having a harder time with pump site changes recently. That makes me sad. She says, "No pump change tonight." I say, ok, do you want to take a break from the pump and do shots for awhile? She says, how about neither? :( I tell her, you need insulin and your body won't feel good without it. I tell her, if we don't do pump or shots, then we'll have to go to the hospital. Ugh, terrible choices. sad for all these kids...young ones like yours and older ones like mine. Toes??? Do you get accurate readings from them? I mentioned this to my son and he said..."If you start doing that...I might end up sleeping in a curled up ball!" So sad.
Toes are very accurrate. An adult T1 here, Danny, ran a test where he went through all his finger and toes as quickly as possible to see how much variation there was from digit to digit. His toes were more consistent than his fingers.
Well, it could get better. Clara used to insist on waking up for each and every test in the night. Finally I just insisted that was not how it was going to be. (Waking her was three times the hassle as testing her.) Now she sleeps like a rock through the whole thing.
We've tested from my son's forearms from day one. The nurse in the hospital gave us this option and he chose it, so no fingers for us.. so far it's not been an issue and he says it doesn't hurt at all. We don't check him in the middle of the night. Our endo suggested we do that for the first several weeks and then said it wasn't necessary.. My son is 14 and has not had any severe lows. If he feels low, he wakes up and checks himself and let's us know. He's never been under 60 yet.. We keep juice boxes on his bedside table. We just "celebrated" our first year in November so we are still a bit new to this.. but I'm always wondering if it's necessary to wake up and check them in the night unless they are sick. I know a lot of parents feel better about checking but I'm curious as to how many times these checks result in necessary corrections?
My son was diagnosed in November too. We check in the night when he is trending really high or low. He is on the Omnipod and now that the Honeymoon phase is over for him...getting him regulated has been a pain in the.....
Is you son still in the honeymoon period? Some kids it lasts a lot longer. My son has gone as low as the 30s and isn't sure he'd wake up if he went low. When ever we change a pod he goes high for hours and if I don't correct int he night on those days he will wake up in the 300s or more. I would love to not check him in the night.... they are also having me do a lot of basal testing that requires testing in the night. Seems like things got a lot harder lately. Ever since he ended the honeymoon period. Hope your son stays doing so well. :)
I only check on nights when she is too high or low for my comfort at bedtime (below 110, above 140). She goes to bed at 9. I check her when I got to bed at 11 or midnight, earlier if I gave her insulin at 9. I'd say 50% of the time, checking at night leads to a correction. But again, I am self-selecting to nights when things aren't "perfect" at bedtime.
I usually only check in the night if Will is around 100 or below, or if he doesn't have a bedtime snack. He tends to get low around 4-5 when he does go low. If it's around that timeI usually just turn his insulin off . f it's earlier we'll do a tablet or some yougurt (gogurts, easy to eat while half asleep if he's cooperative. ) I don't correct in the middle of the night unless he's above 400. If I do correct, he'll get low before the morning. Will sleeps with his hand underneath him too sometimes, but I never thought about it being from D. He doesn't even wake up when I check him now.
If I let my son go too high at night...he really has a tough day the next day at school...he is very sluggish all day. He also has a major dawn phenomenon... we are working on finding the numbers to fix that..... he goes as much as 150 up w/out food right before he wakes up. Hormones??? I guess. He can go to bed 100 and wake up almost 300. Figuring him out has been tough...He needs a lot of insulin cuz he is 6ft and 190lbs!
my son now sleeps in that position also. My waking up for a middle of night check is exactly the same as carb101's. I have done many a dial back of the pump at 3 am. Espeically on a sports night. I agree it is sad that they have a new sleep position when ever I feel sad and decided I need a good cry I try to remind myself how thankful I am that there is insulin and tiny little blood drop monitors. My best friends brother was dx almost 30 years ago and wow have there been improvements!
Little man still sleeps semi sprawled out but we also vary it and check his toes depending on how he is laying or how deep he seems to be sleeping. His fingers tend to wake him up and then he fusses for a bit plus its easier to bend a leg up real fast and wipe off a toe than a finger that hes trying to yank away! I had read where someone said that the toes might be lower because the body hasnt gotten the chance to circulate the glucose enough to your toes yet but that didnt make sense and we seem to be able to make adjustments if needed just fine with his toes, although he rarely needs adjustments at night. He is 21 months so we've been told to check him before bed, at midnight, and at 3am...hopefully as he gets older we'll be able to go back to full nights of sleep!
My son tends to sleep that way too. It is sad because I hate to disturb him more than necessary. We still do at least two checks after he is asleep, usually around 11 and 3a. We have had to make adjustments with basal from time to time. We find that setting a temp. basal helps a lot if he seems to be trending too low. We do another check but he seems less bothered by that than when we are trying to make him eat or drink something. I would like to feel confident about not having to check him in the middle of the night, but we had one night when he had gone super high and when I looked at his site, the catheter was out. The tape was still mainly intact but the catheter had slipped out of the skin. We did a quick change, but had to cover with syringe until he was back in normal range. I had put cottonballs in his pullup and checked back later and he had large ketones. We have never tried to use his toes. I guess I thought it was less accurate than the fingers and his docs had never recommended it. I wonder if he would react to that more now,since he isn't used to it.
It does make me sad when he pulls away in his sleep, even more so if he whimpers a little :( And it breaks my heart that he now says with the site changes "Not the hurt thing" :(
Hello~ Yes, I've been doing her toes for almost 4 years now. If we're out and about, then I do her fingers since they're easier to access. Her Endo said it was ok and my daughter prefers it. Of course, her little toes are calloused though, but we figure it's less painful that checking on the fingers which she uses a lot for everything.