Hey guys! Thought I would pass this recipe along. I use Splenda and Whole Wheat flour and it turns out delicious every time. Enjoy
Not bad. I would like to find a recipe that cuts down on the flour even further. I use half sugar/half Splenda.
That would be nice. I am always on the hunt for lower carb alternatives. It is very hard to come by, so oftentimes I end up finding regular recipes and try to substitute the ingredients, If you come across one I would love to get it from you.
Has anyone tried cooking with that almond flour I keep seeing in the store? Bob’s Red Mill sells it, and you’re supposed to be able to replace half of the flour in a recipe with it to cut back on carbs. It’s just made with ground up almonds, which sounds like it would taste good.
I’ve baked a fair bit with the almond flour. It makes great cookies and muffins and things like that. Alone, it is not a substitute for flour, it has no gluten. There are extensive recipes at Linda’s Low Carb which use almond flour.
Thanks for the link!
Almond flour, golden flaxseed meal & coconut flour are excellent low carb high fiber flour substitutes. You can also use combos of any of these in baking. Coconut flour is much lighter in texture than the others. It absorbs liquid like a sponge, so a bit more liquid needs to be added. There’s no gluten in nut flours so eggs are used as binding. If you’re making something that has to have gluten, you can add a small amount of vital wheat gluten for elasticity, It’s not as low carb as the others mentioned, but stil lower than wheat flour.
You are right, the vital wheat gluten can add back in the proper texture needed to make a real bread. In fact the Bob’s Red Mill low carb baking mix uses vital wheat gluten and only has 44g carbs/20g fiber (24 g net carbs) per cup as compared to 95g carbs/3g fiber (92g net carbs) for regular white flour. The Bobs brand is available at Whole foods, Shoppers, Wegmans, Trader Joes and other stores and it often the brand of almond flour I buy. I don’t really generally bake breads, I just gave them up. I’ll make cookies and muffins much more, but neither require elasticity and do fine with almond flour. And in truth, if I had my way, I’d also pass on the banana. Alisasecaida could certainly use the low carb baking mix, but it is kinda hard to cut the carbs any further without taking the banana out of the banana bread.
Yes, I know:)
Low carb baking mixes tend to have soy flour, which tastes horrible, & often chemical additives. They’re also ridiculously priced.
Oat fiber can also be added to baking recipes.
Another addition for more bread-like &/or lighter texture, is WPI 5000. It’s wheat protein isolate & very low carb. There’s also WPI 8000. I’ve never seen these in stores because they’re speciality products. Can be ordered from www.netrition.com.
Nothing to do with banana nut bread, but ths is only my third post and I don’t know where to ask it. I want to make pork and beans this weekend with pork loin and dried red kiney beans, which is about all the carbs I can do in one sitting. I’m looking for a good low-carb BBQ sauce recipe to put with it - anyone got one?
Don’t tell people I gave you this, I’ll never live it down.
Low Carb BBQ Sauce
3/8 cup vinegar
1 1/2 cup tomato sauce. (1 15 oz can)
3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon yellow hot dog mustard
3/4 tablespoon Franks Hot Sauce (the chicken wing sauce)
3/4 tablespoon salt (optional)
1 dash cayenne pepper.
3 teaspoons lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring
6 teaspoons Splenda or 18 drops of Liquid Splenda
Add vinegar and all other ingredients except mustard to a sauce pan and slowly heat. Put mustard in a cup and slowly stir in a couple tablespoons of sauce until well blended. Then add mustard mixture back to sauce in pan.
Bring to a boil, and lower heat. Let simmer for a few minutes. Let cool, then refrigerate.
You have some great recipe ideas… I will have to give this one a shot.
Thanks, I am serious about barbeque. It is after all, almost my religion.
Thanks - I went through the BBQ sauce at the store and they were all 70 caloriies and 16 carbs for two teaspoons - I thought there had to be a low ( well, lower anyway ) version of it.
I just cooked with Almond flour for the first time yesterday. I made Blueberry muffins. The flavor was great but the texture was a lot different. The recipe called for 2 cups of Almond flour and four eggs. I think next time I will go half whole wheat flour and half almond flour. Thanks again for the suggestion.
looks delicious!!
Good looking recipe BSC. I know I’m late to the party, but I just saw this today. My wife was low carbing before my DX. When I made BBQ sauce I would use white wine vinegar as the only sweetener. Unless you are looking for a candy sauce it is a nice gentle sweet. My recipes are usually pretty much off the cuff, but very similar to yours.
Ground cummin can also make a nice addition.
There is a commercial BBQ sauce with 4 carbs in it . . I want to say it’s Carl’s or something.
I recently tried a banana bread mix from LC Foods (http://www.lcfoodscorp.com/), a new company. It tasted great, and resulted in the lowest blood glucose increases of any low carb product I've ever tested.
Here are my blood glucose test results before and after eating each slice of banana bread:
Preprandial 97 100 108 113 119
Postprandial 103 95 107 118 122
Glucose rise 6 -5 -1 5 3
Average rise over 5 tests: 1.6
Variance: 4.1
I'm a brittle Type 2, so these are phenomenal results.I heartily recommend this bread and other LC food products. The only negative is that their products are expensive ($7.98 per bag of mix; a bag makes one loaf of banana bread).
I am not affiliated with LC foods.
3-4 Ripe Bananas
1/3 cup of melted butter
1 cup Splenda
1 Egg Beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Baking Soda
A pinch of Salt
1 1/2 cups of Whole Wheat Flour
It may be lower carb than some recipes, and it may be delicious, but it still includes bananas and wheat flour. A quick check with CRON-o-meter using four medium bananas gives a total carb count for the loaf of about 240gm.
I would be interested to know the number of slices or portion size you found to be OK for an acceptable blood glucose rise. An experiment like Yoda's would appear to be a wise precaution.
I admit my bias; bananas are one of the foods on my "supercarbs" list that have a greater effect on my blood glucose than other carbs for the same weight in gms.
Cheers, Alan, T2, Australia.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.