Hi Vonda: (cool name)
I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Stressful…DEFINITELY!! I was dxd.
at age 3, so I can Very well understand what your Son is going through. My
Daughter had a condition (not Diabetes) but scary also. So I know also how
closely you want your child to be in the Safe zone, as we did and any Parent would.
Also my Parents had me and my 2 Brothers both dxd. Very young also so believe me,
I heard about our Parents points of view.
Most children are immature, think they are invincible(that won’t happen to me), think
they know way more than their Parents could EVER know, try to get away with whatever
they think they can(whether well-planned or not). Been there, done that. It’s a below-
smart frequency.
I wasn’t educated Diabetes-wise much(country Dr., wee town, no library or support for
Diabetes since no one there had it at the time). Also no meters, so fudging a urine test
was way too easy. We were never told to write down test results or anything. Really weird
compared to what Kids do today. Our Dr. told my Mom to test our urine before we went to
bed and draw the Insulin each night according to the urine test to be given in the morning. :o@
We’re always amazed that we made it safely out of childhood with that treatment. Way too many
seizures and highs. Also we tested our urine twice a day and had shots twice a day.
Kids also are “normaly” born with a sweet-tooth(sugar addictive). Although our house was 99.0%
sugar-free we still found sugary stuff somewhere in our travels. Not to mention other foods that we
didn’t know at that time that resulted in high sugar levels. A piece of bread? No sugar there.
I realize your Son is more educated in Diabetes…but he is still a Kid and still feels he is invincible.
I worry more about People who are dxd. in their 30’s, 40’s, etc. since their bodies are more worn and if
they seriously don’t care to control their sugars then the longer term high sugars will seriously harm their
bodies and organs more quickly.
Good idea to get the Ultra Smart so you can see his testing and maybe bribes would help or grounding.
Then again depending on the Kid, he/she may rebel . “Most” not all, Kid’s brains aren’t advanced enough
to see thoroughly past a few days or weeks thus consequence is meaningless to them.
I just wish you an “easy” on this Hun. Although it doesn’t sound Nice or appropriate, most Kids(unless they
have something else crappy in their genes or if they severely go out of control long-range)will survive the highs
and lows of Juvenile Diabetes(Type 1) without damage as we did. Children’s body’s are very resilient.
Quite simply, 90% of children are immature as they should be. That’s why they
are children and can’t do things they want to before the age of 18(here)since their
decisions are usually not situation logical. Just go with the flow. Sorry, I can’t think
of anything useful to tell you.