Hi out there to everyone that has joined the site and I have missed

I am not really sure where to put this so here we go.

Hi out there to everyone that has joined the site and I have missed. If you want to be friends just make a request. If I can answer something for you I will do that for you. Although I have not been around here or my own site to much the past few months I have been really busy learning about Diabetes from my own experiences. My motto has been if you own it claim it as you will see it posted on here in the past. Now I say shout it as well because there are so many people out there that actually have diabetes that are ashamed of it or scared of it. You should be aware of it and take care of yourself then embrace the long journey in life you are going to take. If you are young and they have found it be glad they have and you will have a better life than if they did not been there and done it the outcome will be much better for you.