High fat low carb = high sugars for anyone else?

Oh I wasn’t saying it wasn’t, just I misread the title of the thread at first to be high fat/high carb. I just made a recipe of my gourmet thin crust pizza (first time in 10 months?) and am experiementing with combo boluses for it. (I’ve been posting on the animas group) - did great last night!

Well, now, I’m disheartened seeing Danny’s three graphs . How am I going to learn to find my hidden spikes when I"m satisfied that I’m more or less where I want to be at the two hour post meal mark? I’m not wild about checking my BG at night even if I’m ravenously thirsty, check postmeal at 30 min, 1 hour 3 hour, etc. or seeing what pasta does to me at the four hour mark. Maybe do it once and learn. Afraid to find out the list of foods I shouldn’t eat is about to grow longer.

Today I know I ate wrong. I didn’t check my BG. This has happened before enough times. I realize over time, it looks like on paper that I’m doing a great job of controlling BG but there are maybe more spikes than I want to see, especially during a busy day.

I’ve read that pizza is often a problem, but mainly because it digests rather slowly compared to other foods (often 5 hours to the peak reading instead of the one or two hours typical for other foods). Therefore, stretching out the insulin used for it may be needed.

Fat is known to slow down digestion; this might make your blood glucose low enough for this effect to take over:


I am type 1. I had trouble with highs and lows for probably the first month, maybe 2 months to get use to it. I need less basal when I am on low carb. I also hve different insulin ratios for carbs and protein than if I am not low carb. I was really frustrated because of the lows, but now with low carb it is easier for me to keep my blood sugars level.