Highs after pod changes again!

For me, the pod change highs seem to be due partly to placement of the pod and partly to the need to "prime" the pod with a small bolus and a temp basal.

I've been on OmniPod for almost a year now and for many months went through what you're describing. I was really frustrated because the pod change highs did not *always* happen. So I was reluctant to automatically bolus in case I didn't need the extra bolus - that clued me in that it may be related to the site.

Finally after reading here alot and talking to an OmniPod rep that suggested I try my back, an area I'd never used for insulin injections or pumps, that I came to a "strategy" that works well for me. I can now tell within the first couple of hours if a pod placement is going to work well for me or not and I don't waste time trying to fight it. I use my process and give it at most 2 corrections, then I pull the pod.

-I try to choose sites that don't have too much fatty tissue. I've only had 2 pods that occluded so haven't had a problem with that. But the fattier the area, the more of a problem I have with absorption and post change highs. I've had much success with my lower back, my sides near my rib cages, the area near my hip bones.

-The other thing I realized in reading here that made alot of sense to me is that the first bolus of each pod really serves as an additional priming. I was afraid to try at first with a normal bg reading but began to look at it like - if I bolus just enough for a small snack that I have available and I watch the trend, then worst case scenario I just eat the snack.

-I typically will run a +20% temp for the first 2 hours for good measure, always watching the trend to see if I need to end the temp basal back to normal.

-Because I watch my trends carefully because of all this business, I like to change my pods in early afternoon to allow time to fix any issues. I've had better luck with getting some sleep at night this way.

Ben on the pod for three and a half years. Always change in the morning before my shower. Regardless of the GB reading I will add two units before I pull the pod. Then shower then new pod placement. Temp basil of 35% for two and a half hours. Will check after a couple hours to see how things are going. Can correct if needed. Will try never to change at bed time as I want to know how things are doing. Am 208 lbs and old so may not apply to the kids but it works for me. Good luck and yes it is a crap shoot. Michael

I just wanted to make an update for the record. After a few more pod changes it is clear to me there is an issue. Although I've had a couple changes where there was no big impact on BS, it seems on average I need 2-4 extra units to accommodate the pod change.

So, it would be better to wear the Pod with the cannula facing up? But what happens when you are flat/sleeping??