How can I control postprandial blood sugar to be under 200 mg/dl

Greetings from Chicago:

I am a 60 year old male who is living with type 2 diabetes for the past 15 years. Started out with one 500mg metformin and now at two 500mg metformin (morning and night). HbA1C fluctuates between 6.5 and 7.0. My fasting blood sugar now is between 110 and 130. However postprandial peaks between 220 - 290. How can I better control postprandial spike? I was thinking of taking two C-peptide tests (a) fasting and (b) 1.5 hours after a ‘measured drink and/or snacks’. Will the C-peptide test ($29 each at Labcorp) reveal some useful information? Or are there other tests that can reveal any useful information. I want to bring my HbA1C to under 6.0 and postprandial to under 200. Where can i buy a ‘measured drink or snacks’ that is expected to raise blood sugar by a known quantity?


Consider a low carb high-fat diet such as strict keto - no cheat days and I will bet your postprandial goes normal, and pretty much flatlines within a few days. Then from there negotiate a diet you like and can live with, Diabetes is not all about the HbA1C, controlling blood sugar without controlling your cholesterol and your atherosclerosis is a recipe for disaster, I use Swedish fish as each Swedish fish candy raises my BG 10 points. You can get these in any big box retailer. You also should know where is your baseline. In other words, fast (no food) until your blood sugar flatlines. Day one is easy, day two is tough the first time you do this. By day 3 you will flatline and feel pretty good. Then you can build your diet and medication from there. You can PM me if you want any more information on inexpensive reliable testing. I use UltaLabs for my tests and heart scans are pretty easy to get at a $99 cost. Then you have all bases covered.

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I see that the T2DM has progressed to where you’ve doubled the Metformin. I’m assuming you are restricting carbs and doing regular exercise, as those 2 things are mandatory for us with type 2.

It’s possible maybe likely that the disease has progressed where your Beta cells are wearing out and need some help from a long insulin such as Lantus or Tresiba.

When I was on Lantus I had to split the dose to every 12 hours to prevent hypos. I’ve heard Tresiba is better in that regard.


Try some exercise right after you eat. Walking works, or swimming etc. Exercise forces the cells to take in glucose and will make you less insulin resistant. Daily 30 minute exercise does wonders overall, but a little bit after you eat can really help those after meal numbers. I can’t walk far because of my back, but I love my recumbent bike. I am a type 1, it’s great for my control too.

As long as you are okay with exercise! Check with your doctor if you aren’t sure.


I would caution high fat on metformin if you have had gi side effects. Exercise works great for me. Nancy50