Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum. I’m curious if anyone has any insights about having high blood sugar as a young adult while being lean. How common is it for it to be type 2 diabetes? Mody?
I’ve always had high blood sugar since I can remember. It was first discovered during my first annual health check up at around 19 years old. I’ve always been pretty lean and fit. I’m currently 5’4" , 105 pounds. I was only 93 pounds when I first found out about my fasting high blood sugar when I was 19. When I first got my annual check up when I was 19 my fasting blood sugar was around 109. Till this day, my average fasting blood sugar ranges from 101-130, usually around 110.
I’ve recently become very obsessive with my blood sugar since I just had a miscarriage, I’m not sure if having high blood sugar caused it but it’s making me feel like it’s a possibility. My a1c has always ranged around 5.7-6.5 and I’m actually really lean. During the time when my a1c was 6.5 I only weighed 90 pounds.
I’m currently 34 now, and my hba1c still hovers around 5.9-6.2 for the past year.
Is there a possibility it could be MODY? Mody 2? My mom and grandma (mom’s mom) didn’t get diagnosed until their mid 40’s though (during menopause), so it possibly isn’t? I’m at a loss and feel so frustrated, depressed, and hopeless.
Note: I was recently put on NPH insulin and it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. my a1c is still around 5.8-6.2… even increasing doses isn’t helping… as a matter of fact I think it’s making me even more hyperglycemic.