How do i put weight on and keep it on?

When I first started using the pump I put on 12 pounds within a month. I have since lost 14 and am struggling to put it back on. I am 5’ 7 1/2" tall and only weigh 118. I have always been slim but the weight gain that I initially experienced felt wonderful. How do I keep it on? I am on a high calorie low carb diet, doing yoga and nothing is helping. It has been a struggle to get my A1C down as well.

It’s the high blood sugars. Some diabetics (usually women) keep their blood sugars high on purpose to lose weight. I don’t know the scientific reasons for it, but having high blood sugars makes you lose a lot of weight. If you get your A1C down, that would help the most. (Having a lot of lows makes you gain weight, so, you know, yet another thing diabetes can do to screw your life up.)

yea, I agree - control is everything. you aren’t metabolizing the calories you are eating. first retest and adjust your basal rates, that’s a huge advantage, then redo the carb ratios if appropriate. you’re chasing your tail if you are just eating more and have high sugars. if hi cal/low carbs means a high fat diet you will need to readjust everything because of the way fats interfere with sugar absorption. if you can get an a1c below 7 you should have complete control over weight gain. best of luck!

Hey! I’ll send you your’s right back. I don’t know where it comes from, but I SWEAR that I find all the pounds that everyone else loses. You can have them back!!!

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

Thank you to all. Especially to Lois La Rose, you are just the person I need to hear from. The advise from everyone is right on and I should have thought of it myself but I get so absorb in madness because of the lack of sugar control that I dont take the time to think. I do enjoy the humor brought forth as well.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I’m taking a bow right now. You just did my ego one heck of a stroke!!!

Bless you. Kiss, kiss!!!

Lois La Rose

Lois is a hard act to follow, so I won’t try:)

If you get your numbers down & still can’t gain weight, eat more protein. That’s what my endo told me. I eat low carb & have had a hard time gaining weight. Realize that struggling to lose weight is really hard, but I hate being bony!

Hey Gerri, Thank you for the info. You know everyone always says I wish I could be that small, but they have no clue as to what we go through, do they?

Know how you feel. I was in dressing room trying on clothes & didn’t want to look in the mirror. Too depressing. I’m enjoying winter because I get to hide in bulky sweaters & layers!

I’ve slowly been adding more protein to meals & have managed to gain a couple of pounds, but it’s not enough. One caveat, 50% of protein does turn into glucose (but it digests slowly), so it takes some playing around with insulin doses to figure out.

You know, guys and gals, I never knew all this stuff. It’s been very educating and I hope I can recall it in the future. But for now, I just as soon give it all away as if by magic. I still think skinny is better than obese. I can’t find any clothes that I like and, certainly, not at the price I can afford.

Keep the information coming. Even though I cut up, I need the information to better myself.

Lois La Rose

I have lost weight since pumping and my blood sugars are within range.Figure.I don’t eat any different now than I did before going on the pump.My A1c is down since going on the pump from 8.0 to 6.7. and I’m not doing without.I basically eat whatever I want to.My taste buds are still conditioned to how they were when I was on shots.(I hate that word).I don’t like candy or alot of sweets.I will have the odd piece of pie or cake(without icing,ugh,too sweet) but that’s it.

I think it’s just hard to get in the perfect zone of not too heavy, not too skinny!! I struggle to lose weight, and conversely my boyfriend struggles to gain weight. It’s just a pain all around.

Weird question and don’t mean to hi-jack the thread, but I’ve also been told before to eat more protein if I want to lose weight. Are they wrong or does it somehow work both ways? /confused

Well, the advice you were given has a “depends” type of answer. The best way to lose weight is to cut carbs. If you cut carbs way down (really low carb), you’ve got to replace it with something & that something is protein/fat. When really low carb, the body will convert about 50% of protein into glucose.

So, if you go low carb/moderate protein, you’ll lose weight. If you go pretty high protein/low carb, it’s supposed to help gain weight.

Of course, all this is based on how much exercise you get because whatever taken in either is used up or stored.

And another scenario is someone who’s working out hard or has a physically demanding job. They tend to near more carbs/protein to repair muscles. Those body builders are into high protein meals/shakes to repair muscle & build more.

I originally weighed 103 pounds and now I am down to about 100.I am only 5ft tall.

I dont find alot of lows make me gain weight, but as a healthy option i’d try whey powder, and protein shakes. Perhaps increase your basel and eat six small meals a day; but yeah increasing your insulin will help with both your blood sugars and weight gain, as well, try doing weight training, that combined with protein shakes will make you a fit healthy weight, opposed to making you gain actual fat you are building muscle. When you build muscle your body is burning away fat and keeps your metabolism revved which will help alot with the sugars!

Eat carbs. I balloon when on insulin with carbs. Eat more carbs and inject more insulin. You should come and bite me may be the weight loss is contagious.

I’ll trade you 8^)
