How Many Orals?

It's sad she's not able to tolerate Brussels sprouts, as we are growing them in our garden this year:

As for other low carb veggies, well, she would love that, except every time she's had a large salad, she has to plan the following day around the bathroom. She would LOVE to eat large salads with lots of lettuce, zucchini, radishes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and more, but they just don't agree with her stomach anymore.

It's not just low carb veggies she has problems eating; she also can no longer eat corn without having problems. Much to her displeasure, she can't even handle popcorn, which is also one of her favorite treats. Over the past year, she's had to cut out milk, cheese, reduce the amount of mayonnaise she eats, limit eggs, and she really does not like oily, fried foods any more -- which is good, since they, too, cause problems. So, you see, her problem with her digestion.

We don't think the high fiber is going to cure her of diverticulitis; just help manage it so she can live a more normal life. She had to quit her part time job because she can't predict her "moments" and they can be very embarrassing. When she was drinking a fiber supplement, she had fewer incidents and she was much happier. But she'd rather actually eat real food than drink an expensive supplement and I think that's a good way to go, too.

Precisely, Brian. Insulin isn't failure. Insulin is simply a treatment form, one that is necessary when the pancreas fails to produce insulin -- regardless of reason.

The good news is her family doctor has relented and called the endo's office. They called here to set up an appointment, but we were out when they called (doesn't that always happen??). So, tomorrow, she'll make the call and set up the appointment. I hope they will give her an appointment very quickly, since even she recognizes that her high bgs are negatively impacting her life. When you can't eat without falling asleep...

I'll let everyone know what's going on when I know more!

Right, and I think she's finally sick and tired of this routine. No more beating the dead horse for her, since she's finally got permission to go see an endo.

If I have anything to say about a potential insulin regimen beyond the Lantus, it would be MDI to start. I don't want her to mess around with 70/30 or any other insulin mixes. Not only are the unpredictable, but the regimen demands almost absolute consistency: Always eat exactly the same amount of carbs at the same time every single day without fail. That just isn't her. If it were up to her, she'd rather not eat at all -- or eat only once a day. Her lifestyle and her preferences just aren't compatible with twice-a-day insulin mixes. I've told her this before and I hope she keeps that in mind when agreeing to whatever new diabetes regimen they're going to put her on.

Good news everyone! [bonus points if you get the reference ;) ] My mom finally made the phone call and got the appointment. They were able to get her in on December 23rd at 12:15 PM EST. So we just have to make it through the next 39 days. Of course, in between now and then, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving, and then the Christmas season will be in full swing...SHEESH! Talk about a virtual minefield for diabetes management! Oh well, I am not worried. What will be will be and I am happy she has the appointment.

Perhaps I need to shake up the traditional Thanksgiving menu a bit... :)

I'm T2 for 20 years started with metformin 1000 mg a day and up to 2250 mg of metformin XR. it started to damage my kidneys so now my doctor put me on insulin Lantus 50 units at bed time, Invokana 300 mg + glimepiride 8 mg during daytime. This morning my BG is 87. Before Lantus I was using Levemir 40 units but after 2 years my body seems to ignore it that's why my endocrinologist switch me to Lantus.