How often your endocrine provider wants to see your pump download data?

Every time I go see my Dr. he downloads my machine. I think he is extreme and having me going every 3 months, and I think he makes money off of me. But that is my own opinion. every 6 months I think is fine.

I understand how you feel. But what is your endo's response when you say, "Hey, I'm happy with how things look and are going!"? Does he/she push further to correct in the manner suggested, or are you left alone. My endo may make a suggestion, but if I have a good reason why a suggestion won't work, my endo respects that. Ultimately, I'm the one running the pump and I'm the one who has to deal with the consequences of a low or high BG. So, I am OK with an endo looking (like you, I've got a lot of experience with this), but I would NOT be OK with an endo pushing suggestions/changes that I did not think were warranted.

Never. I print them out and dutifully take them to appointments. My current doc looked at them (he is new for me) and said "These are useless," and threw them in the trash. Both of my recent endos have had no idea how to enter the doctor program at Carelink and when I mention it, they kind of glaze over.

Last time I really want to talk about specific lows, I made an old fashioned chart. Unfortnately I color coded it (yellow for low, pink for high, etc.) He glanced at it and told me I had too many lows.

I just don't bother anymore.

I should add that I find trips to the endo pretty useless. I know a lot more about my diabetes than he does. Generally, I go once or twice per year, just so he will keep my pump scrips up to date.

I get very little out of these visits and I never ask for advice when I change basals, bolus, etc.

I am in a bit tricky situation, and I want to avoid questioning my endo recs if possible. This is why I asked this question. I wanted to confirm that the request is not reasonably. On the other hand I wanted to know better how does it look from other patients perspective, not just mine.

My endo reviews my pump downloads at every appointment
we have. She also suggests that I download the info and call for her opinions every month in betweeen appointments.

I think it all depends on your relationship with your endo. I have a good relationship with my endo and I value her opinion. That said I consider it just an opinion. She has the textbook knowledge of T1 and many patients that make her a valuble resource for me. She also has objectivity that I may miss because of how close I am to my own diabetes.

I agree.

I just started on my pump July 10 of this year. I send my logbook records and pump settings to my CDE every Monday. She's helped me make adjustments.

Mine wants about a month of downloads every visit (every 4 months) Could it be because you are a new patient and will ease up after they get a good background on you?
