How to eliminate dietary Gliadin

I have now, after two different tests, shown a hypersensitivity to Gliadin, a component of Gluten. In the last three years I have eliminated all known wheat, corn, soy and rice grains from my diet. Yet, I still have come up showing sensitivity to Gliadin in two tests.

Here’s some background info published in the Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering, in a review entitled, The role of the gluten-derived peptide gliadin in celiac disease.

Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat that has been associated with celiac disease. Gliadin appears to be the primary cause of celiac disease. Gliadin is a peptide contained within gluten-containing foods, and upon ingestion causes inflammation due to stimulation of helper T-cells. Inflammation is characterized by nutrient malabsorption due to damage of the villi of the mucosal tissue of the small intestine.

I now begin the personal investigative process to identify what I now consume that is triggering blood inflammation markers. I looked at the glucose tablets that I use to treat low blood sugar. The second ingredient, after dextrose, is maltodextrin.

In this Healthline article, Is Maltodextrin Bad for Me?, it appears that maltodextrin is absolved of any responsibility.

If you’re on a gluten-free diet, you may be concerned about maltodextrin because it has “malt” in the name. Malt is made from barley, so it contains gluten. However, maltodextrin is gluten-free, even when it’s made from wheat. According to the advocacy group Beyond Celiac, the processing that wheat starches undergo in the creation of maltodextrin renders it gluten-free. So if you have celiac disease or if you’re on a gluten-free diet, you can still consume maltodextrin.

My typical diet includes meat, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, berries, veggies, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, heavy cream and coffee. My doctor thinks I should inquire with my pharmacist to identify the components in my daily meds that might be responsible for inflammatory responses to Gliadin.

I’m thinking that since Celiac’s Disease is common in diabetics, that at least a few people here have gone down this path before me. Has anyone found some of these smaller sources of Gliadin in their daily diet? If so, what offenders did you find?

I don’t have a gluten allergy, but I do have a severe reaction to fish and specifically shell fish. Also to tree pollen.

So I need to avoid it but it’s really difficult because there is fish hiding in so many foods.

I get anaphylactic reactions to it where I can’t breathe and I turn bright red. Sharing a glass of wine with someone eating shrimp is enough to kill me.
I don’t carry Eppipen but I always have Benedril just in case. I can feel it come on so I have time. And epinephrine feels awful.

Wheat is tougher to eliminate, but you can consider sensitivity training where you get allergy shots for a while to get your system accustomed to it.

I did that and I can tolerate freshwater fish now, but I still get hives. Still it’s not life threatening.
My allergist told me if I keep doing the shots I could be to a point of eating shellfish.
However I really don’t want to eat it. It’s one of those things that I’ve been afraid of so long , I don’t want it at all.

I read a study on kids with peanut allergies and all were able to eat peanuts at the end. Just by slowly giving small amounts of peanut.

It’s worth considering.

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