How was your child diagnosed?

I’ve been in this group a couple weeks now, and just curious how your children were diagnosed? My daughter was diagnosed 3 yrs ago this March. She lost a dramatic amount of weight in a short amount of time, but she had just switched schools and we thought this was the weight loss problem. One day the school nurse called to let me know my daughter had hives, so i called the pediatrician to see what she thought about the hives. At the end of the conversation, i mentioned the weight loss, well the ped., wanted to see her immediately. One urine test, the ped. wanted her in the emergency room. I know it sounds silly now, but my daughter was going to have her first slumber party that weekend with girls from her new school and it was her b-day, so as long as i promised to watch everything that she ate, and await the blood work results, she was able to have fun that weekend. Well, come that monday, with her results, we were put in the hospital, my baby 12 yrs old, never took her shoes off, the whole week she was in the hospital. My daughter never had any of the usual symptoms of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes really blew us away. To tell your kid, who never felt sick, but just lost weight, that they now have an illness for ever was so hard. God bless them and us! She has been on an insulin pump now for 2 yrs, and is now in high school, every day, and every minute you think about your kids. Can we relax.

Classic symptoms - lost 55 pounds in 6 weeks (he was a football player in college and 22 years old, 6’6" and originally playing at 305), developed double vision, extreme urination and thirst, very moody and volatile as blood sugars rose quickly, “sweet” breath, vomiting and diahrrea after physical exertion or large meal. He was a serious athlete (football scholarship, college) and therefore worked out very hard, which masked the disease and probably progression at first since he was burning off tons of sugar at first, before his pancreas just quit, so it prolonged the time that he felt bad and was fighting a losing battle. Also he was away at school, so I didn’t see him everyday or every week or month and the change in him by the time he was diagnosed was shocking. He was also in his Senior year and taking 19 credit hours to graduate on time and had a part time job as well as being diagnosed about 18 months before with sleep apnea and therefore wasn’t sleeping very well, worring about graduation and grades and jobs after that, a general amount of extra stress, which I thought could be partly responsible for his grumpiness.
Between Christmas, when I saw him and within the first few months he had been saying he wasn’t feeling well, and about 6 weeks later he lost 55 pounds. He went from being the strongest guy in the gym and lifting the most amount of weight to feeling almost “bony” when I hugged him. It was terrifying the first night he spent at home, when I heard him all night in the bathroom vomiting and using the bathroom. We’d had a big dinner and he’d eaten a lot and he couldn’t keep it in. He also showed the classic signs of tons of drinking and urinating. Got him to our family doctor and immediately found out his blood sugar was over 700! He had gotten impatient with me and had already started driving back to school (32 hour drive). It’s hard to control a 22 year old and the testiness that goes with this at first, being so sick, had me not wanting to argue with him but not wanting him to leave, either. The doc wanted him in a hospital immediately. I called him and found out that he had eaten a whole big bag of M & M’s on the drive down to school! I was afraid he was going to die! He ended up not being admitted but going to a diabetes clinic near his college campus, quitting his job and communicating with his professors, who helped him keep up with classes. He graduated on him with a 3.2 . I thought it was a miracle. (He also borrowed my readers, because he had developed double vision till his blood sugar came into normal range and stayed there for a while). It has been 7 years and he tends to be very sensitive to insulin and can go very low very quickly. The doctors still attribute it to his hard work outs, which have also been such a huge adjustment for him. Sports and athleticism was how he defined himself. He was always a shy kid when he was young and being able to do this “one thing” meant everything to him and gave him confidence. Now that was yanked away. He has never been on a pump; 4 shots a day, lots of testing, etc. and today has the maturity to take good care of himself. There are stages to this illness, according to so many doctors. It took my son a good 6 years to really manage mentally to accept this, I think. 12 or 22! They are always your kids. God bless you. Can we relax? Never completely, but we are a family of faith and believe God will see him through all of this. He now is planning to marry a wonderful young woman and she is tuned in to him and helps him handle his lows. She is a real gift to him and to us.

My 12 year old son woke up one morning and didnt have his sleep shirt on. I asked if he had got warm and he said…I guess. The next day same thing. The day after that he came down in the morning and said…mom…I think I wet the bed. He showered and went off to school and I went up and checked his beddding and yep. He wet the bed. My son never wet the bed. EVER. I took a diaper off him and we never had a single accident. So this was new to me. When he came home that night I suggested that after dinner he limit his fluid intake. He tried…so hard he tried but he was extremely thirsty. That night I reminded him to use the bathroom before he went to bed. He did. Then in the next hour we hurt the toilet upstairs flush 3 times. We werent sure at that point if he was just paranoid and trying constantly or what. The next day I called our family doctor and made an appointment. I just knew something wasnt right and I was afraid I knew what was wrong, diabetes. We went in, they did a urine test and blood test. She wanted us back the next day since his urine test wasnt done with him fasting. We went back the next day and our doctor told us we didnt need to bother with another urine test that his blood test came back and he was a diabetic and that she had us a direct admit to the hospital. Three days later we came home and began adjusting to our new normal lives. I hate it. I watch my baby poke his finger and give himself shots and while I am so proud of him, I just want to cry. He is doing so well. We are now 4 months into it and knock on wood, things have gone quite smoothly. At his 3 month check up his AIC was 6.7. Prior to being diagnosed he didnt lose much weight, but based on what the endo has told us, we caught this way early compared to most kids. A lot of parents see the signs but can find other reasons for them since they arent signs that are so out of the ordinary. We have no diabetes in either side of our family so this came to us as a complete shock. But as we learn to adjust, I am thankful that if my son was going to have a “disease” that this is the one he got. It is manageble, treatable and I truly believe in my sons lifetime they will find a cure!!!

My son was 13, in 8th grade. He was on the baseball team and doing well but then he started seeming to lose interest. He was peeing all the time all over the seat. Drinking tons of water and eating way more than usual but always hungry. He started saying his vision was blurry. I noticed he was very thin but attributed it to a growth spurt as he has always been thin. One day after his tennis lesson, he had to pee so bad, he went in the parking lot. This all happened over a period of about 3 weeks… My daughter was dating a guy who was type 1 and an athlete. Kind of a weird coincidence but in the end he was a good role model for my son. He was very healthy and we didn’t really know much about diabetes. I started to suspect diabetes after googling the symptoms. One morning my son was so tired and was refusing to go to school. I told him it was school or the Doctor… first he said school and then on the way to school he said “I think we need to go to the Doctors”. As we drove up he said “I’ll always remember this day because I am getting diagnosed with diabetes”. He had been googling it too… we were all sort of in denial. I told the nurse all the symptoms. She did a vision test and he could barely read the largest letters… took his blood sugar and it was 450. Not as high as many. He weighed 87 pounds (at about 5’ 5") at the diagnosis. He’s grown 4 inches and gained almost 30 pounds but is still thin. We were sent straight to the hospital, spent the night there and started learning about carb counting, insulin, glucose meters, etc… They sent us to a pediatric endo in a town about 90 miles from us (there is no pediatric endo in our town) and we had several appointments to learn about treatment, diet, etc… We still go there every 3 months and they’ve been great. It’s been 16 months since the dx. It’s really affected his life and he is having difficulty adjusting. He went from being very social and athletic to very introverted. He started high school in September of 2010 and it’s been a huge adjustment. The diabetes has made his anxiety (which he had before) much worse… He failed a few of his classesfirst semester and I suspect he just can’t focus at school. We are getting help but this has been quite an adjustment. At home, he is fine but I know it is going to be a long road before he feels comfortable with this. We tried the Omnipod but he just wasn’t ready for it and he doesn’t want to be attached to anything right now. It’s a very hard age to be diagnosed at… It has been hard on the whole family and we worry about him constantly but we’re adjusting to our new “normal”. We’ve been lucky enought to be able to take lots of vacations which have really helped us all bond and relax a bit. I guess we can never relax when we have kids, whether they have diabetes or not… my daughter, who is 18 is going to college next Fall. I will worry about her being away and I worry about her driving all the time… anything can happen but we have to just have faith I guess…

Hi k,

Our first diagnosis was for my younger son. He too had lost a ton of weight, but he had mentioned that he was going to try and lose some weight so it didn’t strike me as out of the ordinary. What did catch my attention was the amount of food he was eating, and there was no way that anyone who was consuming that much food should be losing that much weight!

I called our pediatrician, and took him in. She took one whiff of his hair, did a urine test and we were off to the emergency room.

Same story with our older son 13 months later.

I talk about how both my type 1 kids were diagnosed on my blog Three 2 Treat, see links below

My 3-year-old daughterwas diagnosed 4 months ago. She had had this weird rash on her bottom for a couple of weeks and we couldn"t figure out why she had it. Then we noticed later on day that she was very, very tired. We went for a walk, and my Amy who is always the one who is running ahead was lagging way behind us crying that she was tired. As we noticed one symptom that day, more and more symptoms seemed to appear. We starting looking closer at Amy, we noticed that she looked skinner than usual. She always been skinnier than her identical twin sister, but she looked even more so now. This is when I decided that I would take her into the doctor the next day. I even asked told my husband that maybe we should check her blood sugar. (I’m at high risk for developing type 1 diabetes because of other endocrine ploblems I have, so I keep a glucometer to check myself every once in a while.) He said that her breath didn’t smell sweet, so it couldn’t be diabetes. A little while later I was cleaning out the girls’ closet. I was right by the bathroom and I noticed that there was a lot of activity in the bathroom. I starting turning around and watching and noticed that Amy went to the bathroom 3 times in one hour. This really caught my attention. I called the ped. the next morning and I was caught off guard by the fact that they wanted me to see the doctor rather the nurse practioner an hour and a half later. I think I already knew the diagnosis at that point, but we were all in denial. I told the docotor about all the peeing accidents she’d been having lately and that she was peeing through her nighttime diaper every night. They checked her urine and the nurse came back in with the glucometer to poke her finger. I asked why she was doing that and she said that there was sugar in Amy’s urine. They nurse checked her blood sugar and and started to walk out of the room. I asked her what the machine said and the nurse said, “It says ‘high’,” I knew immediately what that meant and it took everything I had not to cry. The doctor came in right away and started talking to me. She sent us down to Children’s and the adventure started from there. We caught her diabetes really early and thankfully she didn’t even have to be in the ICU. The doctors praised us over and over for bringing her in so quickly and getting her checked, but I really feel like a hero. It’s my genes that got her here. I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse that she was diagnosed at 3. It’s easier for them to adapt to big change at this age, but it’s hard to watch such a young child go through this and to know that they will have to deal with it for the rest of their life. My daughter is so brave and so strong…she amazes me every day.

My 12 year old was diagnosed in Oct last year. He casually mentioned to my husband that he had to ask for the bathroom pass at school several times that day. My husband told me the next day and since he had a field trip coming up and I didn’t want him to have to pee all day, I decided to take him to the doctor and make sure he didn’t have an infection or something. Prior to go to the doctor I started my own internet diagnosis and ruled out a infection since he didn’t have any pain. In fact he felt great in general. I read the dreaded diabetes word and let my husband know they would be testing for that. My husband was concerend that our son was not going to like that finger prick test since he hated shots.

A little bit of background. My son had been doing a preseason track workout afterschool. When I picked him on on the very first day I was excited to hear about his timed mile time. He informed me he couldn’t run and that he felt he needed a snack before track from now on. strange… But we started packing a 26 carb power bar and he seemed to do much better. A week before diagnosis he complained of chest pains during running. The pains intensified as he ran and stopped when he stopped. We went to the doctor who ordered an EKG that day. IRREGULAR, ugh. Back to the google search for what could be wrong. We waited a week to see the cardiologist who did a thorough ultrasound which showed his heart was fine and he was clear to run. One week later we at at the pediatrician about because he is peeing alot at school.

They do a urine sample and say he has sugar, then do the finger prick and his bs is in the upper 200’s. He happend to have low carb breakfast of bacon, eggs and OJ that day. We are sent to the ER because there are no rooms at the hospital and his bs is actually in the normal range when we get there. The finally feed him and we get a bs of 485 and a1c of 8.4. We were told most parents would not have brought there kid in so quickly like us. Honestly, if he didn’t have the field trip I’m not sure that I would have.

When we reflect back the month before diagnosis we see other signs. I remember him waking up to pee about 4 times the week before and thinking boy is he going to the bathroom alot. I remember one time he actually went down stairs and made himselft a glass of icewater (first time ever!). A few weeks before diagnosis when he went to bed one night he said “I don’t feel right”. I asked if he thought he might throw up and he said ‘i don’t think so’. When I persisted on what was wrong, he couldn’t come up with anything, just ‘i don’t know I just don’t feel right’. Prior to that he was fine, so I spread out the towel on the floor just in case he was going to throw up in the middle of the night and went to bed. He woke up fine the next day so it never crossed my mind again until we were in the hosptial.

We have not history of diabetes in our family. Either type. Me and my son will go in for the trialnet study in March to see if we have the antibodies.

My son was 18 months and still in diapers, and peeing so much overnight that he overflowed. And, he was wicked cranky, but I’d put that down to teething. The peeing was what alerted me to the problem. I’d changed the sheets almost nightly for a week, and was doing internet searches to find out what could cause this. I knew in my heart it was diabetes, but I was trying to find a less frightening possibility, and telling myself, “Well, it’s only happening at night, if it were really diabetes, he’d be a whole lot sicker, and it would be happening during the day.” Then my daycare provider called one day to say that Eric was peeing almost every hour, and begging for water all the time, and wasn’t that a sign of… something? I said, “It’s a sign of diabetes, and now that you’ve told me it’s happening during the day, I really need to get him tested.” Hung up, called the pediatrician, who said, “Well, it could be a lot of things, but let’s have him in here.” So I brought him in, and from there it was the ER and pediatric ICU because he had DKA and needed fluids. Funny thing, the pediatric endocrinologist who met us at the door of the ER said he was the healthiest looking acutely ill child he’d ever seen – he was still pretty active and happy, though not nearly as cheerful as he’d been before this started. I knew he was sick, but it was a hell of a shock to find out he was THAT sick.

My 17 year old son was diagnosed at the end of September 2009. Like others, he lost a lot of weight 35 to 40 pounds in the 60 days prior to his diagnosis. At first we were thrilled because he had broken his leg the year before and had gained 25 pounds missing most of the hockey season. To catch up, he had made a travel team and was still playing on his high school team so he had a preseason practice or workout almost every day. He also was working as a Sports Trainer for the high school Football team in the hot Texas sun in the mornings during August so his increase in fluid intake seemed normal. We thought he was tired due to dehydration so we tried pushing Gatorade and Boost as a way to hydrate him better and supplement his calories.

When school started, he was still in “Normal” weight range, but thin compared to most people today who are really overweight. By September,he could not wear his new school clothes purchased at the end of July. At times, he did not have much appetite and other times he was starving. He was just tired at lot of the time. We talked about cutting some things from his schedule. Not wanting to do that, he said he was just tired from having to go to the bathroom during the night and not sleeping well.

That weekend, he fell asleep on the sofa early in the evening so we just covered him and let him sleep. But every few hours he woke us while using the powder room outside our master bedroom. He could not skate with any intensity during his hockey game that Saturday and the coaches were yelling at him. He said later that his chest hurt and he was so tired he could have laid down on the ice.

We talked at lunch about diabetes (I had a cousin that had Type 1 and Mom always had us all tested at physicals for it) and that we would go to the doctor on Monday and it probably was something else. We all did ketone testing that afternoon and he had the highest reading - everyone else was normal. We did not show him the results but at that point diabetes was a more real possibility.

We went to our doctor on Monday but they acted like I was crazy because they hate for you to pre-diagnose. My husband, who thinks I get every disease that appears on “House”, agreed with their diagnosis of me. They wanted three days to get the results back from the lab even though they had done a glucose test at my recent physical in the office while I waited. There was no way I was waiting three days.

In the meantime, I had called my Endo that I use for my Thyroid and his team jumped into action after hearing the ketone numbers even though he was out of town. After a lack of cooperation with our primary doctor, they had arranged a second appointment with their PA, an in office test, a diagnosis and a meeting with a CDE to learn to do insulin shots on a sliding scale regime that afternoon. It was a wild Monday. On Tuesday, there were multiple apologies from our primary doctor and my husband. But, my son never had to go to the ER or the hospital and his highest reading at diagnosis was 341.

My husband, who thinks I get every disease that appears on “House”, agreed with their diagnosis of me.This comment made me laugh out loud!! I feel the same way sometimes. Here I had just spent two weeks worrying about my son’s chest pains, then along comes these diabetes symptons and my husbands rolling his eyes at me. I’m tryining not to be a hypercondriac so I make myself say it is nothing then BAM! off to the ER. Crazy!

I do think Mothers just know when something is not right with their child. (Maybe some Dads know too but most are not as in tune as Mothers.) I was mad at my husband until the next hockey parent’s outing when one of the Mothers told a story about her husband and who is a huge hockey fan.

The Dad had taken his son to a NHL game as a special treat to encourage his youngest son in hockey but soon after they got to their great seats the kid started complaining of stomach pains. He sent him (note that there was no need for both of them to miss the game) to the bathroom thinking he was constipated or that dinner had not agreed with him. The kid whined so much that after the second half the Dad decided to give up and take him home during the half hour break and finish watching the game at home. The Mom took one look at her son, knew something was terribly wrong and off they went to the ER. The Dad was still arguing that they should wait until the last period was over. The Dad watched the last period in the ER and the kid had his appendix out later that night .

This guy is really a nice guy and great with his kids (in most cases). For some reason it made me feel better.

It was the last week of school, 3rd grade, and she got a cold and I took her to the dr June 3 and they weighed her at 70 pounds. The week later she was still so tired, started drinking alot and then she said her glasses didn’t work on June 14,On sunday June 14 I weighed her, 67 pounds. I had had nutrition classes in college and knew the symptoms so I watched her closely. I even went to Rite Aid looking at glucometers but I had no idea what to get so I waited.

On Wednesday June 17 dad took her to the local candy factory and then to Friendly’s for lunch. I weighed her again. 64 pounds. On thursday she kept drinking and was tired, went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she never does that. On Friday June 19 the babysitter took her to Friendly’s again for lunch (!!) Brought her home and she threw up. I called the dr and said please can I bring her in tonight and please check her blood sugar. Yes, please bring her in. I weighed her again, 61 pounds. Got to the dr, high ketones on the test strip and blood sugar was 503 on the glucometer. Dr says you knew it was diabetes. I said I should have brought her in 2 days ago. He said it was ok, but you’re going to the hospital.

They checked her blood sugar every hour, hooked up the insulin IV. By breakfast her eyes weren’t sunken anymore and her blood sugar was 93 and she was shaky. We said remember that feeling, that means you’re low and you need to eat. She was 8 but she understood. We called it dia-poke=es because she got poked alot. At home she weighed in at 65 pounds again.

We went home the next day with a big bag full of supplies and our heads spinning. What do we feed her? Her ratio was 45:1 for Novolog. But we worked in her regular food and went into a 6 month honeymoon phase. After a year the endo said we could get a pump. We’re still trying to get that A1C down, but she keeps growing :slight_smile: now up to 81 pounds and 4 more inches. It’s been a year and a half so far. She looks forward to an artificial pancreas. Someday.

My daughter was almost 18 months old. She was always tiny and grew very slowly. A little after her 1st birthday she stopped growing. But she didn’t lose any weight, she just didn’t put any on. I am only 5’ tall so everyone said it was genetics. Once she started on sippy cups she was always guzzling them down. She also had lots of yeast infection on her bottom. Still no one including me thought she might be diabetic. I even asked the doctor about her knock out breath but they blamed the inhaler she was on. On August 5th she drank a glass of chocolate milk and threw up. We thought stomach flu. It was the first time she had ever gotten sick. That evening she started peeing through her diapers. Not like over night (she had been doing that for a long time but we thought that was because she was always drinking.) more like put a diaper on her and an hour later she was leaking right out. Because we thought she was sick we were trying to limit her intake of liquids, but that was impossible. I called the doctor the next morning. Our regular Doc was out and his partner was thinking it was either diabetes or something with her kidneys. Trust me when I say I was shocked. Needless to say we were there on about 10 minutes when they sent us to a nearby hospital and were already setting up a transfer by ambulance to St. Louis Children’s. What a crazy day that was. At children we were informed her blood glucose was 1100 & although they expecting large ketones her’s were only small. To which my husband and I said “well what is normal glucose and what are ketones?” Talk about clueless. Five days later we were home and our “new normal” began.

We are still pretty clueless in some ways, but we are learning. We read, we research, we pray, & we hope. Our daughter will turn 3 next month. We are still on MDI, but hope to make the change to the pump sometime soon. She has more irregular readings than normal ones. Her latest A1C was 9.1 which according to her doctors is right were they want to see her because she is so young (they keep her target range a little higher than someone who can tell you if they are low). Every appointment we have had since her dx’s her A1c has come down a little. So I am hoping this trend continues. I am beginning to wonder if her A1c is where it is b/c that is the middle between her really highs and really lows, and that she is not in the middle as much as we want. We just keep on going though and that is what is important.


My son is 6 now he was diagnosed about 2 weeks after his 4th bday. It was July 30th 2008. A lot of thing just kinda came together all at once to make me go hmmm. On Sunday July 27th we were getting ready for church and I grabbed a pair of shorts to put on Will and they were too big. We had another pair that same color, and I thought maybe I grabbed the wrong pair, but I could have sworn he’d worn those already that summer. We left for church with a juice in hand . After Sunday school I take kids to the bathroom, and Will goes, then 10min into church he telling me he needs to go again, then he needs a drink. I’m thinking he just doesn’t want to sit in church. He fussed all through church for a drink. After church at lunch a sucked down a sprite in no time, and then drank a 2nd. hmmm. He wasn’t eating well, but the drs always say" They’ll eat when they’re hungry" so I didn’t worry. My mother kept the kids the next week while I worked and she told me about Will get so droopy and draggy and then he ate and perked up, and frequent peeing. Hmmm. My mil commented on how he wanted to drink a bunch at her house the week before. Hmmm Over the weekend Will had peed outside on the sidewalk (we live in the country) and I saw it had left a residue like if someone had spilled a coke and it had evaporated. Thinking over all these things I started looking back over the past month or so. Will had started wetting the bed and when I’d come home from work around 7 he’d already be asleep on the couch and sleep all night. I just thought he was tired from playing and swimming and probably growing. Hmmmm. I working as an RN at our local hospital, and thought ok, I’m off on Friday I take him to the dr then. Well the more I thought about all the symptoms I thought I really think I need to check his sugar, but didn’t honestly say diabetes. I didn’t want to poke him, so I found some urine dipsticks and took them home and dipped his urine right after I got home and it was maxed out on sugar. I freaked and started crying. My husband said call the dr. who is actually a close friend of ours. I called him around 9pm that night and told him my worries and symptoms. He reassurred me and said we can’t diagnose that on just a dipstick, bring him to the lab tomorrow lets get a blood test and a good urine sample and see. He said he’d be surprised if Will had diabetes, but lets make sure he doesn’t have and infection. But I knew. I knew that’s what it was. It was a very long night, I didn’t sleep, just prayed that wasn’t it. My mom brought Will to the hospital the next day for the labwork. I asked the lab tech to fax the results to my dept. ( it’s small hosp so we all know each other well). It took about an hour 1/2 to get the result, way longer than it take to run them. The lab tech told me he ran it and reran it like 5 times. Will’s bg was 551 and we later learned his A1C was 10. Our Dr. called shortly after and told us he was sending us to a pedi endo about 90 miles away and we were to go to the pedi hospital there, Where we spent 4 days. Even as a nurse I didn’t have a clue about management, really only emergency situations. Will is now on a pump and doing well. Life goes on. I did some of my clinical rotations on that pedi floor during nursing school and remembered some of the kids I took care of. I got a quick reality check. Will has diabetes, and as much as that sucks it’s not an inoperable tumor or some of the other really bad things I’d seen. So we can be thankful for our diabetes in a way.

My son was 8months old. Ive written part of the story on my blog

My son has a number of health issues, epilepsy and Tourette Syndrome, and I never dreamed he would have diabetes. I first discovered a weight loss. He is a skinny guy to begin with and he lost almost 20 pounds in a month and a half. Then there was a day he said he was not feeling good. He called me at work, and to be honest with you I blew it off because he is sometimes dramatic when he is sick. As I was coming home he called me and said he wanted new coke because the stuff at home did not taste right. I got home and he was curled up in a chair and his skin looked gray. I then watched him drink bottles and bottles of water. Within an hour he was throwing up over and over and over again. So I thought he had the flu, but decided to take him in to emergency. They also thought he had a virus. The put an IV in to replenish fluids and they gave him an antibiotic. They did a blood test because his epilepsy medication can cause problems and they wanted to check the levels. The doctor walked back in the room and told me my son has diabetes. I was shocked. His BG was 782. They immediately rushed us to Children’s Hospital. For two day I was in shock. Looking back I should have figured it out. I have parents who have diabetes and I was diagnosed with Type 2 three months earlier. But we all wish we had hindsight. I really felt like a bad mom. I didn’t listen to him when he told me he was sick.