I one mentioned something to my doctor about treating a low of 75 (or something in the 70’s), and he asked me “what’s wrong with 75?” as if it’s a perfectly normal, safe number?
I get worried when I’m in the 80’s if mealtime isn’t coming soon. 70’s I almost always eat something for, but 71 is almost in the 60s, and being in the 60s are bad.
Then again, I woke up from a nap this afternoon with a blood sugar of 50. That’s bad, but I still was fully capable and aware of what was going on.
It really depends on what your norm is. I used to work with someone who was also type-1, and he was sitting at his desk, really out of it. Staring at his computer screen (which prompted him for a password) and insisting he was fine while eating a ham sandwich. I took out my own meter and checked his blood sugar: 67. I was surprised that he was so out of it at 67, but I guess his norm is that much higher. So if a non-diabetic typically runs 80-100, then 71 is probably nothing to be alarmed about.
The scary thing about 71 is not knowing if you are going to stay there, go up, or down. I’m with you, Karen…I don’t panic, but I do treat it! The memory of bad lows has me over compensate. I know 70 is a great functioning target, but I doubt I’ll ever be comfortable in that range without a CGM.
If it's at a mealtime I wouldn't treat at number in this range. But if it's between meals, I do, although I don't panic about it.
The problem is, as others have said, that those of us with diabetes can jump from 71 to 41 over a short period of time. A non-diabetic doesn't have to worry about this possibility.
It really depends on when my last shot was and what I am planning on doing.
If the last shot was less than 3 hours ago, a tiny snack is in order. If I plan on doing yard work, or exercising then a snack is required.
If the last shot was 3 hours ago and I plan on sitting on my backside, I am going to let it ride. Stay low as long as possible, make up for some of the highs...
I agree with your doctor; I think 71 is a nearly perfect number. The only time I worry about a 71 is if it's at bedtime. If I have insulin on board, I do test again to make sure it hasn't gone lower. I don't treat until under 60.
Everyone has to follow their own path, but that sounds too low to me. That means you consider a BG in the 60's to be normal and comfortable; I don't. How many tests under 60 (the point at which you will begin to treat) do you have per week?
For me 71 is number which needs my attention. The metre gives reading +- 10% so it might be 60also, so I may go too low, So I treat it with little snack immedately
Yes, we are all different, Jag. As near as I can tell, about 1/2 of us treat below 70 and half below 60 and even doctors admit there is a difference of opinion on this. I looked at my last page of numbers and I had between 2 and 3 lows a week.
If you're comfortable running that low without treating, and if you've been doing it long enough to make it work, then more power to you. And if you're dipping below 60 only a couple times a week, then I think you're doing fine. My fear, though, is this could be a symptom of something you discussed in one of your threads here (deferring treatment even when needed): Taking lows more seriously
I'm not suggesting an all-out break-out-the-glocose attack on a BG in the 70's or even the high 60's - I find I can treat that with a small piece of fruit or a few raisins. But I would treat it then, and not watch it fall any lower.
I've never heard any doctor say low BG shouldn't be treated until we're below 60. I'm curious where you've seen that?
Thanks, Jag. Yes, I've been taking my own advice and "taking lows more seriously" but I define lows as under 60. You know I'm terrible at quoting sources (which is a real handicap for an Instructor..lol). I looked in Walsh and he doesn't give a numerical value to begin treating though he does say below 60 is where symptoms start. I did have a couple doctors say "below 60" and I have noted about a roughly even division on here between "below 60" and "below 70" - 40%/60%? Perhaps some of those people can chime in on their sources.
For me, it just depends on what time of day it is or what I plan on doing in the next few minutes, etc. If I'm about to drive somewhere, or exercise, or work in the yard, I will treat. If I'm about to read a good book on the couch or watch a movie (I wish!) I don't. I hate having to eat before bed, so I will take a swig of juice, and retest before I go to sleep. My Lantus tends to peak about 3 am for me, so I will go low if I go to bed at 71. I don't feel low at 71. Maybe that's the difference maker too. I do tend to feel low in the 60's.
Did you have a recent bad low where you were questioning whether leaving treatment until under 60 was safe?
In reality, most lows I treat are under 60 because I don't tend to feel low until I'm 55. But if I happen to test between meals and was 70, I would probably eat a glucose tablet. I know from experience that all it takes is an unplanned run to the store or bout of housecleaning to make me drop a lot more. It's not that I consider it low, really (but I'd probably say under 65 is properly low), but I treat more as a prevention. The only time I don't treat is if it's immediately before a meal.
i'll always treat a 70, if just 1 or 2 jelly beans (2 carbs). I don't like 70's, any action - movement could result in going lower. I prefer to stay in the 80's. Not feeling lows in the 70's is not a 'good thing'.
I am a new member & live in Australia (East Coast). Although in my early 60's, I have only had Diabetes for just over 5 years but have been diagnosed with Brittle Type 1. I have a son who has had Type 1 for 18 years. I had to inject him once to bring him out of a coma and the only one he has had to-date since being diagnosed. When I stated using insulin, hypos really freaked me out but all I am concerned about now, is that my hypo awareness level does not change. I can detect a fast falling hypo at 50 and do not suffer the typical hypo headaches or lack of energy until BGL fall below 45. The majority of fast falling hypos happen when I am active. Under certain conditions, I become extremely sensitive to insulin, a legacy of Brittle Diabetes.
If I am doing book work, symptoms start to kick in at about 70.
Because I suffer from sore feet, if BGL stay in the Hyper Zone for to long or fluctuate widely, I aim for a lower average BGL creating a higher possibility of BGL falling below 72.
I have had very few readings below 36 and the majority of them can be attributed to miscalculations, misadventure or thinking there were more important jobs to be done before eating after injection NovoRapid. I know I have had two events when BGL were under 18 and had no trouble self treating. I now use a Gymboss timer of a morning when I have the most trouble with BGL so that I can test to make sure every is OK.
Every one is different and so long as my Hypo awareness level does not change, I will continue to aim for a lower BGL average to ensure I can keep on walking without pain.
I have a CGM and am able to see where I am trending. It allows me to sit on a 70+ that is flat. I have never had a low lower than 42 and this is what works for me. We have forums to express ourselves and what works for each of us.
I reside in Canada....where there now has been a HUGE reduction of test strips "allowance" for those not on insulin (coverage). Leaving me to test every other day. I argued with my doc that I require more frequent testing due to a propensity toward lows. She replied that I should eat upon "how feel". "If you feel low...eat, if you feel better after you've eaten...then it was a low"!!!! How accurate is THAT!!
This same doc told me "after all, you have a lovely A1c....you don't need to test".
Her same way of thinking applies to blood pressure results....she looks SOLELY at averages, not at the why of spikes and dips and irregularities.