I need some suggestions for dealing with resistance!

hELP!!! I’m 33 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! In the last three weeks resistance has hit hard. I feel like I’m trying everything and nothing is working!!! I have a great diabetes team but I feel like they aren’t being aggressive enough at this point! I feel like we keep increasing basals and boluses but nothing changes!!!
My last couple days have gone like this… During the night it’s kind of a mix some great nights others hanging out in the130-160’s despite many corrections!!!
I have started to come in “ok” in the morning and then after breakfast I am " ok" one hr post (sometimes) but then rise for the rest of the day. It seems like no matter what I spend most of the day between 130-190 even if I do a double temp basal and take 20 units multiple times!!!
Other things;
I change sites often
Ive try Manuel injections to try and bring numbers down faster
I have a pump and a cgm
I boluse 20 min before meals

My question is…am i missing something??? Does anyone have some magical
Idea/suggestion that worked for them? Does this seem extreme or normal???

I appreciate any and all responses!!!

Ugh! I'm so sorry! It might just be that as you're increasing it, your needs are going up so that you don't see it really helping. I've hit a few weeks just like you're saying. Now, I'm running low! Then, when I treat the low, I end up high. I'm just hoping to pull through these last 10 weeks! I would call the doctor again and tell them you are really uncomfortable with this. I did that, and they have me upload my numbers to the computer at least once per week now and I go in every other week...that seems to help. I hope it gets easier for you!

I think that what you're experiencing is completely normal. This is based on not only my own experience, and the many posts from other ladies on here but also my endo has told me to expect that at this point the insulin requirements will keep going up and it'll be frustrating.

One thing that you might have done, but didn't mention, is the sensitivity. Did you change that part of your pump settings? It might be something to consider.

Keep up the hard work and remember that even though this is frustrating as heck, you're doing a great thing for yourself and for baby and that makes it all worthwhile!

Yes, time to keep it in perspective!!! Keep chugging away!!! Thanks for the encouragement !!!

Thanks for the encouragement! I can’t wait to be done!!!

I am 34 weeks, and I noticed that my insulin needs went way up from 18 units to 30 units a day of bolus and the same for basal. I am not on a pump, but what I do is I take much more than I used to need now(for breakfast, for example, I used to take 4 units. I take 9-10 units now). Then I wait for 30 minutes or so making my breakfast, washing face, etc. I also started taking extra basal in the morning (10 units) in addition to my 18-19 units late afternoon. This way basals overlap, which is very helpful.
It's different for a pump, I know, but maybe it can give you some ideas on how to adjust your pump. Good luck!

It's been a while for me (my dsughter is 11 months now!) but I remember this very distinctly. My insulin to carb ratio was 1:3 in the mornings!!! Crazy huh??? You just have to be OK with the extreme amounts of insulin you will be taking and know that your body WILL go back to normal (normal for a diabetic ;) after birth. It feels crazy to have to bolus 30 units for a low carb meal and still have your blood sugar stay the same.

I started bolusing at least 30 minutes before I ate and tried to take a 10 minute walk after eating. Also, have you tried a square wave bolus? I'm not sure what kind of pump you have. A square wave gives you an immediate bolus plus an addition bolus spead out over a designated time. What I would do is account for the carbs and then bolus for the protein as well. I would do a 50% bolus for protein - if I had 20 grams of protein, I would bolus for 10 but spread that bolus out over 1.5 or 2 hours. That additional bolus seemed to really make the differnce for me. That way I had my underlying basal working, plus the quick bolus and an extra on top of that working to cover any late spikes from protein or fat digestion.

I hope that makes sense! Best of luck to you - you'll get through this!! Take care :)

ALso, I want to add that I also felt like my endo was not being aggressive enough around that time of my pregnancy. I got tired of waiting for my appointment to make changes and started making (slow) changes myself. I would increase a basal here and there, and fax my endo my changes. When my numbers started getting better, I started to trust myself more with managing my numbers when my endo was not being aggressive enough for me. When you are pregnant and start seeing high numbers it's hard to wait to see the doc, I understand. Maybe you can talk to them about communicating more when your #s are high and you are feeling like you want to change something.

Take care!!