17 weeks and insulin resistance starting to hit

I’m taking double what I use to already and it is getting hard to keep my sugars down. Its disappointing bc I"ve been doing so good my last a1c was a 5.2. I woke up this morning my sugar was almost 300 and I didn’t do anything different :confused: I knew things would get harder and I know it’s just going to get even harder.

When did you guys start to expierance insulin resistance?

I’ve suffered from intermittent unexplained highs since week 9, this goes along with my first trimester lows though-so it’s really weird. I’m 13 weeks now and I haven’t yet experienced full blown insulin resistance I think, although now that you say it’s happening for you at 17 weeks, that makes me nervous because I’m going to be in Ireland when I’m 17 weeks which will make it difficult for me to contact my endo if I get insulin resistance at that point! The one thing to reassure yourself of when you have insulin resistance is that your placenta is working well and that you have a healthy pregnancy (this is what my endo said) I’m kind of anticipating the insulin resistance, almost hoping for it, because I know that I should have it. I’m hoping that if I’m very careful to eat low fat high fibre carbs and just keep upping those basals things will smooth out eventually. Don’t beat yourself up over these highs, you’re working hard and one or two highs is not going to do any damage.

Mine started around week 19, but it can start any time. Insulin resistance is tough because you will see some highs in order to know that you need to increase your insulin, but there is nothing wrong with taking more insulin. I made very sudden increase in my basals when insulin resistance set in. So it sounds like you need more basal insulin at night. Do you increase your own rates or does your endo do it?

Yeah I increase them on my own usually in the morning I’m fine then this morning out of no where it was high now I’m suffereing from low since I corrected lol. UGH it’s so annoying going up and down. I do adjust some stuff so well see how that works I see my endo on monday so hell probably adjust it again. Thank you

How your new baby boy?

Thank you Sharon. I adjusted my basal hopefully it’ll help.

Yes, it can be so frustrating. I had a lot more highs in that phase of the pregnancy, but things did get better and easier to manage for me during the third trimester.

Our little boy is wonderful! He mostly eats and sleeps these days! I’m trying to adjust to getting used to sleeping in two hour increments :slight_smile:

I’m about a week behind you, and I think my insulin resistance is starting to increase. I had a lot of lows in the first tri, so as o last week, we were still tweaking my basal lower. But my fasting numbers are creeping up, so I imagine at next week’s appointment, I’ll be upping my overnights.

Thread hijacking here - congratulations, Kristin! :slight_smile:

Congrats on the 5.2 A1C! I dream to have that number.

My insulin resistance happened at week 22 with a bang!