i get hungry sum times late at night what should i do? what do you guys do?
Honestly, if it’s bedtime and one of us is hungry, my husband and I go to sleep without caving in to the hunger. Post-dinner nighttime snacking isn’t great for your waistline or your metabolism. Unless it’s unbearable, we assume we’ll have a healthy appetite for breakfast the next morning. I know what my body will do with my basal insulin on board all night. Taking an extra bolus for food will just add unnecessary variables in while I’m asleep.
During the rest of the day, like when I get home in the afternoon, I consider it best to snack so that I won’t overindulge at dinner. Just keep in mind you should take insulin for whatever carbs you take in and keep in mind that you put extra on board when it’s time for your evening meal. My pump keeps track of it for me, thankfully.
Our bodies work most efficiently if they never go more than 3-4 hours without eating. A snack of 100-200 calories can do a lot to curb the hunger and help you make sensible decisions when it IS mealtime.
Well I would be asleep at that time, so I would dream up a great meal. I get the munchies after dinner, and try to eat light, vegetables, like celery or cucumbers. There is the evil dressing I am drawn to. Cutting back is difficult to do. I should be more disciplined. I recommend going to bed earlier, kwlawson
I eat more food during the day, spreading my allotted caloric intake (I don’t worry about carbs very much) across breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Then I’m not hungry in the evening. If I don’t eat enough, then I’ll be hungry at night. Sometimes when I feel hungry, I’m actually just needing a glass of water or a diet soda.
Dear Brazshell. Check your BG see it it is low. I usually have a small piece of chese but this may not be a good idea for the wait line.
Make sure you eating enough during your meals and snacks. Maybe snack on some “free foods” like salad, cheese, meat they usually won’t effect your sugar to much. If you’re really starving i would eat something and maybe take some medicine, but that’s up to you or your doc.
Brazshell: Like most of the other responses, I was going to say … get a small snack. Of course, check your sugars first to make sure it’s not a low talking and then act accordingly. If you go back to bed hungry, you may not fall asleep again or may spend more time tossing and turning than necessary. Learn the best snacks for you and then use them. Of course, a little research into the carbs and calories of some foods will help keep you from danger. Sometimes all I need are a few multigrain crackers. Yummmmmmmm. Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten anything yet today and it’s after 1:30 pm. (I got up LATE!)
Lois La Rose, Milwaukee, WI
Celery, sugar-free Jello, or an ultra-low-carb tortilla.
Check a blood sugar you might be dropping your glucose and if it is low do the 15 gms every 15 minutes. If it is normal I sometimes eat a couple sticks of celery, or drink some chicken broth that usually helps. I hope this assits you. Karen