Hello all I'm feeling beat up and defeated lately. Burn out from the never ending life of being diabetic. Honestly sitting here crying as I just got back from the Dr from my latest round of blood work. HgA1c 7.1. Like a child being taken to the principals office. I just got the talking to about what is going on with me. Why have I've gone from A1C of 6.0 only 6 month ago to a 7.1. He went on about renal failure and pretty much gave me ■■■■.
I know he is trying to be proactive as he said the BG trend is not good and he wants to see if we can get it better. The higher numbers a direct result of the last 6 months of not testing so much ( yeah only 8 times a day sometimes 10 ) and really cheating occasionally. But the last 6 months I've tried not to be obsessive with my control of the big D. I was just tired of all of it so the last 6 months have been the best (happiest) I've had in many years just trying to let go of the non stop control that it takes to maintain a healthy bg . But the end result is horrible. I've tried to analyze things, is it stress, hormones, or has my honeymoon ended and now have zero tolerance for carbs. I know what it takes to keep that A1c down,being OBSESSIVE with little room for carbs. Seems I always miscalculate my carbs intake more often than not. I can do ok if I keep the carbs to under 30g a meal. But REALLY is that real life. I'm not asking to eat cake and pie with every meal. I just want that bowl of cereal or some rice/potatoes with my meal. Is it too much to try and eat normal and just dose correctly. Maybe that is all that I'm doing wrong is miscalculating my bolus. I know that there are lots of low carb options that some of the members have done. Is it just to minimize the amount of insulin they take? I know eating fewer carb seems to work for many. But who out there can advise me at with in reason how do I still enjoy my family dinner or any meal for that matter without taking away all that I love? is it time for that pump?
Currently I'm taking 18 U of levemer at bed, and 5- 8 units at breakfast and dinner. I rarely dose a lunch as it is my very low carb meal of the day with salad and meat of some sort. TDD approx 30 units max would be 40U. I'm 5.7 - 145lb, 43 years old.
Just looking for some advice.
thank you Laura