Incompetent hospital staff

I guess I have been lucky, in that all of my most recent surgical procedures have been done under local anesthetic with some kind of happy drug combination to make me pleased about being cut. But my main concern has always been getting me my caffeine as soon after the surgery as possible. Without caffeine I get a wicked bad headache and it doesn't matter what my blood sugar is, I just can't function. But I do agree most places have no idea what to do or how to deal with PWD. Glad you didn't drink the milkshake. Of course the only advantage to being a PWD is we get the earliest times available for surgery, we don't have to wait starving all afternoon until our time comes up.

I agree, it's really a joke that many hospitals give this shoddy treatment... I think you need to speak up and argue with them if that happens again, you shouldn't have to be removing tubes etc. in order to get the treatment you need to stay alive and healthy!

During my last Sinus Surgery, which was done as an out patient, I had an argument with the nurse doing my pre-op interview and blood work. I cannot take humalog due to the latex in the stopper and used in production. It causes me to itch all over and my throat to get tight and scratchy. I do not need to have direct contact with the stopper either. It happens when I fill my pump reservoir. She was insistant that humalog was their preferred insulin and that they would use shields if i needed any. I had to speak to their legal dept to get her to understand taht I could not take humalog insulin.

This is appalling. I would be calling customer service with a complaint if I was in your shoes.