I have been having lows (~40s - 50s) maybe 30 minutes after taking the recommended amount of insulin/carb. So, I consume 15 - 20 carbs and within 30 minutes my BG is up to ~110 or so. Then, a couple of hours later, I'm up to 200 - 215. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
While my good friends here are more experienced with this than I, looking at the quoted passage above leads me to believe they may have misread, to some extent, what the problem is.
You are going low 30 minutes after taking the insulin -- not 30 minutes after eating. This indicates your are pre-bolusing too early. Everyone absorbs and reacts to insulin a bit differently -- you seem to be one of the lucky ones.. absorb and react quickly.
Your understanding of Humalog is incorrect -- it begins activity in as little as 15 minutes, and peaks (on average) 60-90 minutes. It's pretty much done and gone at 3.5-4.5 hours in most people.
So, here's what I think is going on: You are bolusing too early; this causes the low. Try bolusing 15 minutes before eating, or put differently, when you bolus a 15 minute timer starts, for which you must eat by the time it expires.
The post-meal highs: Probably don't have your I:C ratio dialed in. The most "accurate" way to determine your I:C is to check your BG before a meal, then again 3-4 hours after. It should be back down within 10 mg/dl to the pre-meal value. If much higher, you need to adjust your I:C to fewer carbs per unit. Too low, adjust the other way.
Also, basal insulin can further complicate this... you didn't say if you were taking a long-acting for basal (like Lantus or Levemir), so I'm assuming you are not, and the honeymoon is still taking care of that.
Now, a summary of how to attack this:
Use a weekend when you have nothing planned. Plan to hang around home, being relatively sedentary, to eliminate other factors affecting BG. Record BG's before and 3.5 hours after every meal. Fast in between meals. After you've done two meals on saturday completely (all measurements taken), based on the results start tweaking your I:C for subsequent meals if necessary, trying to get to balance -- BG about the same after as before.
Also it's best to eat well measured/quantified carb loading -- this is a good day to eat yummy packaged crap because it's pretty well controlled in terms of the actual carbs as compared to the labeling.
For the lows, adjust your pre-bolus timing in 10 minute increments +/- until the pre-meal lows go away. You may be very very lucky and have such a good response to Humalog that you can simply administer right before you eat.
Anyway, put simply this is first-order about your bolus timing, and your I:C. Once that's really dialed in, second-order, more advanced strategies like splitting the bolus to simulate an extended bolus (like on a pump) can be added to fine-tune your control and better flatten the BG curve.