Insulin Pumps and Airports

So… I went to the airport for the first time as a pumper a couple years ago and I had an “issue” with my pump. I was going through security when asked to take off my “cellphone.” I replied, “That’s my insulin pump…” and went to show it. At that point, the guard started yelling, “KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM IT! DON’T TOUCH IT! DON’T TOUCH IT!” Well I have to say I was quite embarrassed and I had to be wanded in that glass “room” with everyone looking at me like I was causing trouble. I’ve gone to airports since then and they seem to be a little more “in-the-know.”

But I was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences?

hi Jessica. I hate flying in general, and having a pump in our post-9/11 world only makes it a more miserable experience for me. Here is a discussion we had about it last year. Thanks for bringing the subject up again.

I had a TSA newbie once on an early morning flight (I can only assume the new folks get the crap shifts) and he had absolutely no idea what my pump was. It was as if he had never even heard the phrase “insulin pump”, which means the idiot wasn’t listening in class b/c I know they get trained on them. He had no idea what to do and asked me to take it off so he could check it for explosives. I said no, so he grabbed it and swiped it for explosives as I growled b/c again, it was early (5am ish?). Since then, I’ve had pretty good experiences. TSA agents at big, busy airports should know what it is and if you set off the detector, they’ll probably wand you quickly (I haven’t set off the detector in several months, but it does happen). Small airports will be a hassle b/c there is a new policy to swipe pumps for explosives, and small airports are usually not busy so the TSA agents get all excited to swipe something for explosives. At these airports, I make sure my pump is concealed so if I don’t set off the detector, they never know I’ve got a pump on which means less hassle for me.

I have not flown since being on the pump, but had no problems at the airport with syringes - they are always more worried about my bottle of juice or jelly packs then sharp needles!


I had a similar thing happen to me the last time I flew, but when the security guard started yelling two others came over and told him to calm down. Then I was escorted to the side where they waved that wand over me. The lady was very friendly and apologized for he co-workers actions. She even told me to hold the pump in my hand because she was worried the magnetic force of the wand would mess up the battery in the pump.

hi there-

ive been flying with my pump for several times and got no problem with the TSA… anyways, ive read it somewhere, someone had posted bout it… anyways, when i am about to go thru security, i dont use any holster or anything to hold your pump, i simply put it on my pocket, just the pump and tubing connected to my site…no problem, they say its usually the spring on that holster? or i dunno how u called that thing that sort of hold the pump securely…hope this helps

i went thru the check I have the omni pod the PDm unit set off the detector the first time but not the POD I actually wear so I just send the PDM unit thru the big scanner now and walk on thru!