TSA & airports

I'm expecting to receive my pump within the next week or so and have several trips planned shortly thereafter. I've carefully read the TSA website and the airlines webpages regarding the subject. In my years of travel experience I've seen travels treated poorly (I'll leave it at that). Am I over reacting to prior experiences and the expectation of problems or does everyone have relatively good experiences going through security at domestic airports with their pump, insulin and gear?

I guess I need to put my mind at ease as I get closer to the trip.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and experiences.

Hi there...just got back from a trip from the mid-west to Los Angeles. I had no problems what so ever. I breezed through the local scanner after being re-checked for the steel screws in my shoulder and my medic alertic bracelet drawing some initial concerns. On my way back the scanner at LAX caused no such concerns. I was prepared with a "note" from my endo stating that I required the "equipment" that I was wearing plus that which I was carrying in my carryon. Good luck and have a great time.

Thanks Janice. I'm looking forward to the trips and getting back in the air again.

I carry my insulin in a frio pack in my backpack. When I go through customs, I put the insulin in my pocket as it should not go through an x-ray. It never seems to show up on the walk through metal detector.

However, the insulin pump will set off the alarm so you need to tell the officer that you are wearing an insulin pump and it cannot go through an x-ray or a full body scan.
The customs officer will ask you to touch the pump and then check you hands for explosives. When I went through L.A. in November, they did a pat down. However that doesn't usually happen.

I also carry a letter from my endo saying that I am diabetic and must carry the pump, the pump supplies, etc. However, I have never been asked to show it. Also, never put your pump supplies and insulin in checked baggage.

I find that the customs people are knowledgeable about insulin pumps and it is not really a problem. Good luck!

By the way, I never mentioned anything about my pump; and they never asked.

I frequently travel throughout the UK and have also travelled around the US and have never had any problems at the Security checks. I tell them I have an insulin pump and hold it in my hand as I go through the scanner. Some swab my pump for expolsives, some don't. All in all no problems at airports. Happy travelling :)

Perhaps other insulin pumps are different...but the OmniPod has no issues with either x-rays or body scanners-- page 109 of the manual. No alarms were set off either.

Hi NorCal..there has been a lot of conversation about this, you can check past discussions. Most of us have had no issues. I place my supplies in the tray along with my liquids and walk on through.....once, maybe twice someone has asked if that is medication. Twice I have gone through the full body scan, and when asked, I tell about my pod, I just say it's an attached insulin pump. They have swabbed my hands and sent me on my way. Good luck. Enjoy your travels and I hope you love the oPod.

I alarm every time I fly, and always get a pat down. Last month after I touched my pump it set off another alarm. They went through all of my carry on. From now on before I go through security I will make sure I was my hands well! My son who was in the Marines said that I could have picked up residual from hand rails. I fly next month, I hope for the best. But it gets old if you fly a bit.

I travel a lot. Once TSA in JFK gave me a pat down when I was rushing to catch a flight to NoLa. My friend and I were running a bit behind, so I was anxious. I made my flight, but now what I do is simply remove my pump when I go through security. I've had a TSA agent at SFO tell me that I didn't have to do it, but I'd rather just get through TSA without ANY drama. This is particularly true after hearing about TSA confiscating a woman's insulin sometime last year. :-S

I usually just pack everything in one travel case. My insulin is surrounded by ice and I've never had any static coming through with my supplies. I have had folks at the gate try to get me check my bag, but I tell them I'm diabetic and I'm carrying insulin and that's that.

However, I think as a reaction to some draconian TSA incidents they now have TSA Cares and you can call them to let them know you're coming. ;)

You'll be fine as long as you're prepared. The only bad time I had was that one time.

Jesse flys often and in 10 years has been pat down once.
he wears a pump and dexcom....
He did have a problem flying home tonight though...
The TSA confiscated his huge jar of chunky peanut butter..
saying that it could contain drugs... ugh..
He had 5 bottles of insulin, syringes and a months worth of supplies...
that was okay to bring on the plane.....

Thanks Regina for the link to TSA Cares. That I hadn't see before in my research of the TSA site. I appreciate everyone taking the time to share their experiences with me as I get my travel status renewed.

I gave up with letters, explanations and pat-downs. I just disconnect my pump (the tubing) and put the whole think in the tray. Reconnect when I'm through, and we're all happy. BTW, the pump (2 yr now) has changed my life (better).

A word of warning, though: Some of the pumps say specifically in the instruction manuals NOT to put them through the X-rays in the trays. For the Ping (I think it's the Ping), it voids the warranty.

Thanks Sarah. It stays on me.

I've had a couple of airport TSA stops where the body scanner picked up the Pod on the scan. They were cool with it though. I told them I had an insulin pump and it doesn't come off and they either were curious and asked to see this pod with no tubes or not and they just swiped it gently with the cloth they check for explosives with, so it was no big deal.

I have the omnipod and have been stopped everytime I have to do a full body scan. They just make me touch it and then wipe my hands to make sure it's not explosive. I have never had anyone know what it was, but they have always been nice about it. It usually adds about three minutes to my trip. I fly at least once a month. Hope this helps!