Has anyone else seen the episode of Intervention reguarding the T1 diabetic young man? If your having issues with not taking care of yourself this will make you stop dead in your tracks!
Yea i seen that… That guy was an idiot, i am glad he got better and started to take care of himself. I think he like the attention everyone was giving him, it a shame thats the kind he liked. Didnt help that he didnt have any friends and depressed. Hopefully that opened someones eye and helped somebody out there not taking care of themselves, seeing how stupid they are…
I have not seen it but my friend saw it and said I should watch it. I don’t think it will change me one bit, I’m stubborn like that
I saw it and it was a little freaky. The guy was obviously over the edge. However, I did see a lot of the younger me in him. He was definitely seeking attention.
agreed, though it pulled at my heartstrings, it only showed me what i already do. His issues and how he deals with it have nothing to do with me, so i could relate but not totally because we all do stupid things for a reason (though it might not be right).
yeah he kind of was a attention seek. That’s the one thing you learn right away, you can’t get to far when you try to use the diabetes card. People expect more from you when you have such responsibility. He did look better after the end of the show when he figured himself out.
Guilt is a nasty thing. What I know is it is not uncommon when a child has an ill parent to not take care of themselves it is a self denial behavior. It does not seem to matter if they have a chronic illness or not. They feel guilt and helplessness both lead to narcissism which can appear like attention seeking but is really just a hyper focus of ones problems which makes the problems so large is breeds hopelessness. That is what I saw more then anything else. His myopic word was all he saw and at least that is what he could control. Just my opinion though.
Be well and be loved