Interviews for diabetes article

I’d be happy to respond as well! I’m a newly-diagnosed young adult T1.


I’ll do it too

im 21 with type 1 diabetes and would love to help in any way i can!

You can ask me, too!

count me in as well

i’d be happy to participate.

I’d be very happy to answer questions!

love to help

I would be willing to, I am a parent of a child with type 1.

I’ll help …let me knoe what you want to know…

Count me in if you need anyone else!

You can count me in. I’m the parent of a T1 14-year-old girl. I’d love to participate

If you need T1.5, let me know

i’ll be happy to answer any questions. i’m 17 and have type 1

If its not too late, ill be glad to help
I’ve had diabetes for almost 19 years
1st child. =)

I would love to also participate!

if it’s not too late, I say yes. I like to answer questions.