Interviews for diabetes article

I am writing an article about juvenile diabetes. Would anyone be willing to give me an interview? I need anyone and everyone, including parents of a child with type 1, adults with type 1, children (if the parents are comfortable with it), and teenagers with type 1. anyone who wants to just post so and i’ll send the questions to your inbox to answer. thanks to everyone who agrees!

Count me in! Just ask away!

I’d be happy to participate.

I would be happy to help you with your project =)

I’d be happy to help. I’m an adult with type 1, former child and teen with type 1. or you can message me here.

you can email me at

YES YES YES! I am a parent with three children, two with Type 1 diabetes. They are 14 and 10. They too will help you out if need be just let just let us know! Good luck :slight_smile:

I would like to help out as well. Let me know what you need.

I will be happy to help.

Sure thing Deanna. Bring on the questions!

If you still need more subjects, I’m happy to help. Adult Type 1.

I have had Type 1 for 63 years and I am healthy. I presented my “story” in a 20 chapter format on this site. You are welcome to interview me and use any part of my story too.


It looks like you have more people than you need, but I’d also be glad to help.

Ditto for me, what Lee Ann said.

i’ll give it a go.

i would be happy to help.

Sure I’d love to!

I’d be happy to answer some questions

I’d be happy to help too!

Don’t know how many you need, but count me in if you need me. I have been diabetic 22 years which included child, teen, and now adult. I have been through 2 healthy pregnancies too if that is an angle you need.