iPhone Diabetes Applications

Hi, I’ve been using Glucosebuddy on my iphone…decent app, free download and synchs quickly with my laptop. You can email your data to your doc, etc…though it comes in a somewhat hard to read format.

Any suggestions on a good iphone food database? lk

Lose It! is great

The news about a new iPhone app developed by Wavesense just broke:

The WaveSense iPhone app is available for download from the App store for free. Going to give it a try.

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest iPhone Diabetes Technology news, I would suggest checking out my blog on the subject @ http://glucosebuddy.blogspot.com

Wavesense app ROCKS!

I just found out about this today from one of my colleagues at work - here’s the link to learn out more http://www.wavesense.info/iphone

I don’t have an Iphone - not a big cell phone user - but if I was - sure would find this handy!

So DiabeticzME - have you given it a try - seeing as you say it ROCKS?

Just posted a video on TuDiabetes from my blog (www.glucosebuddy.blogspot.com) going over the differences of the Top 3 Diabetes Apps as I see it.


I’ll check them out, but I use WaveSense, and I love it.

Just downloading wavesense to try it out. I don’t see too much difference in having to either write results down in a paper log or enter them into the phone app. The phone app will keep me from forgetting the log when I go to the Dr as I always have my phone with me!

I love wavesense! I like how you can program your individual high and low ranges to be highlighted. I like how you can see the logbook or graph views. It is very easy to enter the information and takes no longer than writting it down. And as I said will make sure I have my log with me for dr appts.

Hey everybody,

I’m a product developer on the Log for Life team and wanted to update the thread to let everybody know that we’ve officially launched our iPhone app. Our goal with the app was to make logging on the go as quick and easy as possible - to be a great companion for our online service. It automatically syncs with our web application where you can do more in-depth analysis and see our beautiful graphs.

If you give it a try, let us know what you think. Thanks!


Log for Life - A simple way to log, a better way to live.

I would be willing to volunteer my time to anyone in the tudiabetes community designing, developing implementing free diabetes management software for the IPhone, touch and Blackberry devices. I work as a Microsoft developer by day but by night I have been working on IPhone/touch applications. Having a son who just started using a pump with wireless features in the meter and pump has given me some Ideas for software.

For instance our clinic still gives us sheets to fill out daily and send to them every three day. Most likely not all of the required data is captured by the pump which I find hard to believe.


Met a guy recently that created his own pump that was completely ran by his iPhone. Seriously! Saw him using it! The technology is out there it’s just a matter of convincing the “deep pockets” this is what we want.

I agree:Lack of convenience due to manual entry…we need a smarter and less time consuming solution.

Hey Manny … when will you give us TUDIABETES FOR IPHONE APP :slight_smile:

I like the idea of apps for logging my BS, insulin, carb count. Throughout the discussion it is mentioned that app would be a “duplication” for anyone with a pump, CGM, intergrated meter.

I am a Type 1 MDI and I would love to have assistance by a touch of botton on my phone to calculating carbs, calculation bolus and just logging.

I truely dislike logging, I test my blood sugar, but just do not log.

thats sounds awesome, i wonder if hd zune (also touch screen. like an itouch) makers will add that as an app.

Hi Kevin,

can logforlife import data? For example, from my Lifescan software data that I’ll export. Thanks!

wavesense app is perfect, i love how you can view your diabetes in a different ways:
PROS: logging is pretty simple, easy to transition through information, you can change the backgrounds, view data in different ways like chart, average, or standard deviation. Lots of choices to pick from about how your day is going (to much exercise, to little, to much insulin, not enough). The graph i think will fit in more sugars, but it shows your before and after of each meal and has a slot of night. Clicking on the individual logs will show what you ate, carbs, insulin intake.
CONS: well i was going to complain that you can’t add a note, but i just realized you can :o. I would like to be able to put my own pics as the background. Really no bad cons

I use Food IQ by Obsessive Code. You can enter your weight, BG, meals, and it has a large food database. I know I don’t use it fully, although I’m completely satisfied with what it does for me. The best parts are 1) it’s extremely customizable and 2) you can enter the foods you prefer in a separate database. Also, I got fabulous customer service the only time I had a question.