iPhone Diabetes Applications


I have been using Islet now for a couple of weeks…

I have to say, though I am annoyed that I need to enter the numbers when the meter already knows them I am still pretty happy with the reporting and graphs… I am working on getting good about entering insulin usage and food intake…

It would be nice if it could track carbs along with total calories, since I am keeping a separate food diary to get my weight down.

being able to tag glucose entry’s to categorize them for reporting, especially since I have really different schedules on the weekend.

But overall, its pretty nice.


I’m holding out for iPhone 3.0 and the capabilities demonstrated at the iPhone Keynote allowing direct upload of BG values from the meter to an iPhone app. Although it would be great to have my data easily accessible on the iPhone with one of the current appes, It is frustrating to me to have to manually enter data that has already been recorded. I can download that data separate, albeit not directly to my iPhone, but I can save a copy of it to my iPhone.


Not sure if this was already mentioned, but I practically LIVE on the LIVESTRONG iPhone application and website. They both sync to the database and your user account, so all of your data is in one place. While it’s not specifically a diabetes app, it’s an important part of my own self-care regimen:


The iPhone app is available free of charge, and I use it to calculate my carb intake, as well as sodium, exercise, and a host of other things. Because it provides instantaneous lookup of nutritional information for virtually any food you can imagine (restaurant, supermarket, or pulled out of the nearest garden), I can make really good choices before I eat. No guessing or bad surprises (as in, “I ate what??”).

Melissa adds her copious input on the Livestrong site here:


I just got Glucose Buddy which I am liking a lot. ANd it’s free!

Actually i was a beta user for the Zuri (ZumeLife device)… they now have a iphone/ipod touch 2nd gen with mic headset app, (It uses Wifi predomnanetly ) but there is a monthly subscription fee involved … Great for dealing with reminders to take meds, input glucose readings, etc…

If you have questions, feel free to email them (can also drop my name if youd like) I had a rather pleasant experience dealing with their customer service

I agree about the livestrong app. It’s fabulous. Some of the carbs are off on various foods though. Gotta find the correct one and keep using it. Someday would love to have my minimed pump and/or meter transfer its data to the ipod touch.

I’m also a member of The Daily Plate (may have to renew by now). I can access it on a normal cellphone. It’s a bit tedious to enter in everything but at least I can enter everything I need from the road…

A big problem is that the moderators don’t verify the nutritional information of user-added items, and there is no standard for form, so there can be 20 different entries for the exact same item in the exact same packaging.

I noticed that there are multiple entries for the same item.

That’s because users can add in items, and because the search engine doesn’t do a very good job at limiting searches (or because they don’t know how to search effectively), they get fed up, think the item isn’t in there, and add it in all over again.

In a proper system, the moderators should go through the new (“not verified”) items, verify that they are not duplicates, remove duplicates, and let users know how to find the duplicated item. The moderation on this site is not up to my idea of par.

***The LIVESTRONG.COM Calorie Tracker application is the companion tool to The Daily Plate service, available for $2.99 at the iPhone App Store. The Daily Plate at LIVESTRONG.COM helps you determine a daily calorie target based on your weight and weight goal. Then you can search the extensive database of more than 525,000 foods for nutritional information including fat, sugar, carbohydrates, cholesterol and more. You can also search 2,000 fitness items and calculate how many calories you can burn with those activities. With a simple tap, you can track how many calories you can consume, burn and net on a daily basis.

This is all fine and good, but I was wondering if there were MORE apps out there that would help me with my management. I found the two below in the forums, anyone have any other cool ones?

***For the iPhone, until something better comes along there is a program named “Diet” which is similar to the USDA database, but costs $4.99. It lists 7,250 food items. I used this to replace the USDA database.

***There is also the free “Restaurant Nutrition” app, which gives nutrition info for fast food and chain restaurants and it $4.99 counterpart “Mint Nutrition” which includes a calculating function.

James H Permalink Reply by James H 1 second ago
Lifescan has an app…
Lifescan’s New Diabetes iPhone App

you have to be a current OneTouch Ping system user to take advantage of this app, so that cuts out a lot of people. Still, kudos to Lifescan for moving in this direction. Looks like they’re the first, but certainly won’t be the last. From Engadget’s live-blog: “A cool idea, but we’d like to see just a small dock connector that functions as the finger pricking device. Are we asking too much?”

Hey James,

Of course, I would recommend our App Glucose Buddy. And you might want to check out my blog dedicated to this very subject “iPhone Diabetes Technology” http://glucosebuddy.blogspot.com

Also, LifeScan DOES NOT have an app. That was a protocol and was not a working model and is certainly not commercialized.

Also, take a look at our Glucose Buddy fan page on Facebook for videos and pictures of other Apps on the iPhone.



I have a mac and can’t download the report from my minimed pump. Any suggestions?
Also, an iphone ap for carb counting would be really fab. Anything out there?

I have a Mac too. I’d like to download any blood glucose monitoring meter (currently have Abbott’s FreeStyle Lite) results to my Mac. What’s the problem with manufacturers of such systems providing software for Mac users? I alone certainly buy enough test strips to cover the cost of developing a Mac compatible software system to use with Abbott’s FreeStyle.

I had this same problem, but it was easy to overcome after installing boot camp on my intel mac, and only running windows for the once a week or so upload from the pump. Others do the same running windows emulator software… You can still view the reports from the mac side if you set a “user agent” in Safari as Firefox Windows - this is covered pretty thoroughly here,


Good luck!

diabetes log is pretty awsome! the only thing is that it doesnt save the logs for long… WELL the free one doesnt n/e ways idk about the other one.

i also have the glucose buddy & my docters love it lol

Sharilyn, I’m so glad your doctors like our program.
If you’re interested, become a fan of our facebook page to find out more about our day to day activities with glucose buddy. http://facebook.glucosebuddy.com

Did anyone have any suggetions for Blackberry? I would really appreciate that as well.

Diabetesmine.com recently conducted a competition – Design challenge , where so many talented people came up with several innovative ideas and two students from northwestern university named the winners they are Eric Schickli and Samantha Katz.

The idea proposed by them is very interesting and useful and named that design as LifeCase and LifeApp system, which is a combined software and hardware system for iPhones that combines test strips, a lancer, a glucose meter, wireless insulin pump management, and software for disease management all in one product. And for this idea they received a prize worth 10,000 $ and they really deserve it .

Coming to the gadget, there are 2 things mixed – iphone and glucometer and the strips are attached side of the iphone along with a holder and all in one package and there is also a application specially developed for diabetes management where complete data and statistics are stored and it gives complete picture of sugar levels that is their rise all fall values.

This product will be very handy for the people because phone is a gadget which is used almost by all the people in the world and glucometer attached along with and the software in the phone for analyzing and storing the data and all these facilities in a single gadget will certainly meet the needs of diabetics.

In the competition conducted by them along with this there are several other entries submitted under different categories and if you want u can see those videos from the diabetesmine.com.

courtesy - checkdiabetes.org