Is diabetes just ONE of the conditions on your list? Join us!

Howdy all....and many blessing to all of you honouring Memorial Day.
How is everyone handling the heat?

Hi dear Judith....
I guess the chill of Oregon does not fare well with arthritic or new joints! I was once an avid skier, but I too cannot bear the cold well...and even kneeling is now a problem. I will however, by hook or by crook, ski with my oldest grandson next Winter!!!

Welcome to the pod Tia and Len cat lovers are welcome here too ;)
Could you tell us a bit about yourselves??

Hey gang.....I'm thinking of changing the profile pic for the group and looking for something more relevant. Will pass some ideas by you for feedback in the next few days :)

HI everyone. I joined tu back in 2009 but didn't really keep up for while. I struggled with life during that time, kind of a denial thing I guess. Well I am back on track now, seeing an endo, who I like, and getting my sugars back on track. I just took in another cat two weeks ago and this is going good. Sometimes I stuggle with the sense of being overwhelmed by things, getting all my ducks in a row health wise I've been to more appointments in the last three month than in the last three years. But it's working out very well so far. I will get my next A1C probably at the end of this month or July. I can tell it's going to be a whopping much better than the 10.5 in April(UGH).

Good idea Judith....let's put the following images to a vote. They will be up for a week, for members to see and to make a choice, other suggestions are welcome as well of which point the group's new profile pick will go up with a definition of who Sisyphus are 4 variations of Sisyphus for us to choose from...



I think I made my choice already....but who knows!!
....In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a cunning king of Corinth. After his death, he was condemned in the underworld to roll a rock endlessly up a hill. Whenever the rock reached the top, it rolled right back down again, so Sisyphus could never finish his task.....

So Judith....everyone....cast your votes! Is it Sisyphus #1, 2, 3, or 4???

C'mon in Col....welcome to the rabble! Tell us a bit about yourself :)


(Anyone can send me a private message with their choice if they prefer!).....but please vote!

my vote is for #1

Linda- I think I like # 1 the best.

Also think #1 captures the dual concepts better. He looks capable and it is the situation that is challenging, but he is actually doing the task, that gives more hope. #4 looks like he is trying, but doesn't show enough strength as the figure #1 with plenty of muscles.

People who research their individual concerns are more able to improve them. It builds muscles so to speak and can result in success. Too bad in the myth there were so many negative aspects to the whole story. But from the picture alone, showing the man with well developed muscles shows he is not only putting in the effort, but looks capable. Everyone needs a positive outlook to work hard.

I'm looking for jugglers....but my computer is giving me grief.....give me a bit of time! A balance is an other idea.

My mouse is throwing fits. Need to order a new one, can't buy the ergonomic type I need locally (I have extensive nerve damage). Its a pain... in the hands.

Emmy, could it be that you are close to the upper limit of memory? Have you tried opening task manager and referring to that? I have used computers since 1988 and I open a LOT of windows with all my research so I know any operating system gets into trouble when too much is opened at once. It is not necessarily the mouse.

The reason I have a computer with 16 GB of memory is that I tend to use it to the max, so I know about the mouse becoming unreliable and even things just not starting. It requires using the task manager to switch to the less important windows and bookmark them and close them. You'll see the memory return to useable levels. I always noted problems with over 72% of memory used and can get even up to 98%. It's not a virus. It's just my way of doing things. Luckily your mouse won't bite, but it will be heart breaking if you lose something you were working on and it wasn't saved. Don't necessarily reboot, until you have tried closing some less important projects first. I am currently at 92% memory used.

I vote for #1...

I too like #4...the painting style....the numbers on the rock....but let's see what else I can/you can come up areas of juggling. Gotta get ready for work, but will dive into it when I get back. A new look is exciting :)

Hi there Terry....c'mon in!!!!
Tell us a bit about yourself when you can....and join in the vote when I get images related to balance :)

My mouse is just getting old. Its an optical cordless and its just plain worn out. Been doing this off and off for months. Its eating up batteries like crazy. Works ok with a fresh battery, then a few days later its messing up again. I'll order one online as soon as I can, no one has the type I need locally. I also use a split keyboard (nerve damage makes it a necessity) and they also aren't available locally.