Hi, Christine. There’s a lot to unpack in your post, so let’s dig in.
My first and primary message is that it’s reasonable to expect a long and healthy life when living with type 1 diabetes. This does not require continuous wizard-level control of blood glucose, as evidenced by the healthy type 1 folks who grew up before the era of modern glucose measurement and modern insulins.
There is good evidence that it is reasonable to aim for an A1C of less than 7%, provided this can be accomplished without significant hypoglycemia. In a developing child, the temporary BG excursions after meals are much less important than avoiding hypoglycemia and getting a good A1C.
Next is the issue of carbs and A1C. I’m old, type 1, like to eat plenty of carbs because they’re tasty and burn clean, my A1C is in the low 5’s, and according to the 90-day AGP, time in range 96%, time low 1% and very low 0%. (Time in tight range is 79%.). How is this possible? It comes down to two things. One is that I have learned how to dose insulin. The other is that I have good technology plus a personality that lets me react early to correct my BG when it starts to wander away from my target range.
Next is the question about dosing correctly for carbs and still getting a spike and drop, and would it help to see what a non-diabetic experiences on a CGM after eating. Here’s the thing. In the non-diabetic body, when the BG starts to wander off the pancreas gives a microdose of insulin directly into the bloodstream. This insulin immediately removes some glucose from the blood, and it’s over and done with immediately. This microdosing is repeated over and over as needed. For a type 1 diabetic the situation is completely different, because we are taking subcutaneous insulin, which is slow to get started, and which continues to lower the BG over a duration of several hours. So for us, it’s not just a matter of taking the right amount of insulin, it’s a matter of trying to match the rate at which injected insulin leaks into the bloodstream with the rate at which our food is digested and converted into glucose in the bloodstream, which also happens over a period of hours. We can use tricks like pre-bolusing and overbolusing to try to speed up the insulin, and we can choose food combinations that slow down the digestion and the release of glucose into the bloodstream, but BG excursions are common. Some will choose an extreme low-carb diet to avoid that, but not me. As far as I can see from the literature, BG excursions that are corrected promptly do not have a significant health impact, and so I follow an approach that has been called “Sugar Surfing” by Dr. Stephen Ponder.
You can wear your own CGM but I don’t think there’s anything to be learned from that, because of the difference between the healthy body’s microdosing of IV insulin, and the subcutaneous bolusing for meals by people with impaired pancreases.