Hey all. It’s been a while since I posted something in here and this site looks very strange to me now!
I’ve been using Omnipod for almost 3 years now. It was my first pump and I’ve been T1 for over 15 years.
I have LOVED using the Omnipod and even some of the issues I’ve run into have been sorted out quickly. The annoyances are still there, of course, but I feel like that is to be expected with any diabetes technology.
The problem that I’ve been running into recently is that I’ve been getting a lot more irritations at my sites when I change my pod. Yes, I do all the standard cleaning and use the recommended sites. I first ran into this problem after about a year on the Omnipod. I had a site on my stomach that got inflamed and infected and left a huge hole. It took quite a while to heal, and now I cannot use my stomach in that area. So, okay, about 25% of my stomach area is out of commission.
Then a few months ago, the same thing happened on my right thigh. It’s still healing, so that site is out of commission. I will probably be able to use the area around it again eventually, but that site happened to be a PRIME spot and now it’s out of order.
Okay, well I still have the backs of my arms, 75% of my stomach, and the other thigh. Right? Wrong.
A few weeks ago THE SAME THING happened on the back of my left arm. So now it’s out of commission.
Yesterday I had to change the pod that was on my left thigh because it just randomly started hurting. It felt like the cannula was poking me, moving around in there. Today it is still sore and I’m terrified that its going to develop into an infection just like the other two. Hopefully I got the antibiotic cream on it in time.
I’ve had my doctor look at these spots and she says there’s nothing more I can do to prevent them. Another nurse said that it seemed like the cannula was getting into a capillary bed and causing it to be inflamed.
But I’m extremely frustrated and I feel like its me and the Omnipods that aren’t getting along anymore. These spots have worked just fine for AGES and now suddenly they start having problems. I have limited pod placement real estate now. I’m very worried about scar tissue. My A1c has been creeping up (6.4 from 6.0 earlier this year).
I do also use the Dexcom G4 and love it as well.
So what do you guys think? Am I going to have to switch to a tubed pump? I hear they have more options for cannulas and stuff {sorry, don’t know all the right phrasing for that}. I really really really really really don’t want to go back on MDI, although it might be my only option with finances the way they are.