Is There 1 Positive Thing Diabetes Has Given You?

Some people say, “diabetes is a blessing in disguise.” You might say, “Crazy!” But actually, I’m one of those positive-minded people. And this is how crazy I truly am: I asked 27 women at a support group to tell me 1 positive thing they’ve gotten from having diabetes. I thought they’d throw tomatoes at me. Instead, 25 women rattled off “humility,” “feeling worthwhile helping family members with diabetes,” without hesitation. My positive things include losing 30 lbs and keeping it off. I also have some incredible friends in this d-hookup. How 'bout you? I’m curious, can you name 1 positive thing diabetes has given you?

Blunt Lancet!

Now there’s a girl who knows her stuff! Or should I say buff?! :wink:

At least 3 positive recent things which all come down to " diabetes made me do it " 1 ) I carried the Olympic Torch last year in my town ;2) I won 2 airline tickets to Maui ,( which we are using tomorrow !!) 3 ) I have been nominated in my town for the Community Spirit Award , Jan 29 . Unfortunately one has to attend the Gala Dinner and we are on Maui …nominator promised she will re-nominate in 2012 .

Understanding friends

The one positive thing that I think I have gained while struggling through a challenging 24/7 battle is strength. Both my body and my mind have had to continue to perform through situations that seemed to be impossible. Although this is a difficult and sometimes discouraging lesson, it is still its own reward.

  1. Being able to attend diabetes camp every summer
  2. Lasting friendships from diabetic camp, that I otherwise would’ve missed out on.
  3. It gave me motivation to become an RN & now on to a Nurse Practitioner
  4. It gives me a chance to educate people on a daily basis about diabetes & how even “normal” people can apply a diabetic lifestyle to their own to become healthier.
  5. Becoming a healthier person
  6. My diabetic patients at work actually listen to me about giving diabetes advice, once I show them my pump & tell them my story (I’m used to wandering eyes & deaf ears)
  7. An excuse not to eat “questionable” items at family potlucks/holidays :slight_smile: I’ll pass on the fruitcake, thanks!
  8. Motivation for me to exercise frequently (otherwise my sugars go crazy!)
  9. A purse full of sugar pills & snacks~ I’m always prepared & no one goes hungry when they’re with me!
  10. A reason to choose healthy food choices when all your friends want you to eat the triple loaded, stacked, smothered nachos & cheese when you’re out on happy hour.

One thing I can think of right off is that I’ve been able to help my health and that of my families by getting a more balanced diet to all and another is when my (then 11 year old) daughter took Type 1 I knew what to do for her.

  • Having diabetes is a great reason to try out lots of new recipes! It’s given me such passion to enjoy good and healthy food and to help others understand food better. I now have a food blog sharing the different things I eat, and sharing recipes. I dread to think of the things I would eat if I hadn’t had to be particular - I come from a long line of ‘homely’ cooks (aka, carb and fat laden), so it’s been a bit of a turn around for our family!

Strength and motivation! I became A paramedic and working on my NP because of my diabetes I know I can do it! the is nothing I can’t do. I was taught from an early age because of diabetes that it is not your circumstances but instead it is what you do with them.

Well,TUDIABETES…knowing I am not forever alone with this. I do have to say it has taught me to be a example for better health,. I talk to others with Diabetes and some have listened, most not, so take the ones that did and I feel like I helped. Motovation yes, when I wake up and think OH how I would Love to stay put, the thoughts get run over about what will I do today to make a difference In my Diabetes. So yes, its Me first:) then the world…

Makes me more grateful for the yrs I ahve lived, thinking back they told me I would die by 40, and I beat that…and told me one more time I would not live 5 yrs and its been 11 post cancer, so I learned young with Diabetes I was a fighter:)

Definitely, diabetes has given me the will to better myself. Ever since I was diagnosed with diabetes, I have been eating better, with more vegetables and salads, I have been exercising more and getting up earlier to go for a morning walk. I have gone back to school to better myself and get my new career going. I have been voluntering more and instead of just playing games on the computer or playstation, I find myself doing more research about diabetes and joining online communities such as TuDuabetes. I have lost some weight and am more alert to what my body is telling me. I enjoy going out with family and friends more and don’t just take them for granted. I find myself looking and trying to improve new recipes and always looking for something that is healthier. I find myself looking for ways to improve my parent’s health. I also am able to talk about diabetes freely with my clients and friends and make suggestions that they might ask of me to improve their diabetes. And that is just a small portion of the new outlook on life that I have gotten. So yes, diabetes has made me want to better myself!

Love the responses! It’s interesting isn’t it, when you ask what’s this darn disease given us, your mind begins to find something beneficial. Judith, even when you said nothing but TuD, still you have found something good. The overwhelming response that people have found something good, do better by their health, help others is a gift. And, yes, to quote below, “it is not our circumstances but what we do with them that makes a life, diabetes or not.”

Diabetes has given me a fabulous life. Period. In 51 years of living with the disease (Dx’d at 8 mos) I’ve never regretted it for one moment. Never. In fact, my life is better because of D; I’m more focused on what I eat, exercise, smart choices, etc. I’ve covered wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia; every presidential election since 1988. I ref college and elite soccer in my spare time. Life is grand. That’s pretty positive. I don’t have a clear view for how other Ds feel; I’ve never met another in my life and I never disclosed my D to anyone - only my wife, kids and mother know. So I can’t speak to hardships others might face. But for me, there has never been anything negative about D. I am complication free; never had a seizure or been incapacitated by a high or low. I honestly would not change one thing in my life.

I tend to say you can create a life in which you flourish not despite diabetes but because of it by using diabetes as a catalyst to create greater health, happiness and a more meaningful life. Quite sensational to hear DC Reporter that you would term your life “fabulous.” Haven gotten t1 at 18, while I do have a BD (before diabetes) and AD (after diabetes), I’ve had it 2x longer than not and think I have forgotten what life was like before my diagnosis. Either way, great to read what you wrote.

I have had T1 for 50 years. I am 55. When I think of diabetes, in many ways it defines a lot of my behaviors in a positive way. I have been determined to do anything a “normal” person is doing , such as going to college, grad school, law school, doing every sport that interested me, like, horseback riding, football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, motocross, motorcycle racing, skiing, swimming, running, bicycling, etc. I have always been grateful. Every day I wake up and give thanks for being given another day. I try to do as much as I can, because I was told I did not have long to live. So that motivated me, and still does. I celebrate every birthday with relish. I am happy each year and don’t regret getting older, I am kind of amazed. I am forever grateful that I was able to have two children. I was told I could not have children, because , in the 60’s it was out of the question. I have been given a sensitivity to other people in times of stress or catastrophic events. I deeply feel and have been given an opportunity to share that. It has given me a constant to always be aware of what my body is feeling and responding to it quickly. It has given me insight into exactly how food affects me as soon as soon as I eat it, and an awareness of what healthy eating can be. It has given me an appreciation I don’t know I would have experienced without it. For me, I feel closer to my Higher Power and that is a blessing. When I was first diagnosed, in 1960, there was a lot of talk about dying, so I always feel blessed to be alive every day.

More understanding and compassion for people with chronic diseases and unhappy life situations.

Paying attention to my health much more closely…

I exercise more frequently than I used to, if that is a positive thing? Questionable in my opinion.
For the rest: TuD, which is helping me to accept the fact that I’ll never be ‘healthy’ anymore.

Apple Mol you raise an interesting point. Can you be healthy with diabetes?