Ive got the time, Ive got the $

Lol, Stemwinder.

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Well back when I had mediocre insurance 30 years ago I got frustrated at the irrationality of the medical billing system and dropped out of regular doctors appointments for over a decade. Another part of it was a cross-country move and my inability/ineptitude hooking up with any good endos at my new location. Paid for all my insulin, test strips, etc OTC and out of pocket. And no doctorā€™s appointments.

I would not recommend this on anyone. But at same time I understand the complete overwhelming frustration with the system. The system is even less rational today. But Iā€™m a little better at setting my mind to working towards getting the medical care I deserve, making phone calls until I get the appointment, no matter how many roadblocks the system throws in my way.

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To my wife of course. Oh and by the way I am an honest to God Doctor. but not that kind. So your results may vary.


Send them 2 days before your appointment and you will be assured they have not arrived at your Endoā€™sā€¦lol

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Thatā€™s totally fine. I actually think some of the best doctors around are veterinarians. They canā€™t actually speak to the patients, they only get body language and yet they are highly effective and less expensive at what they do.


LOL I am not even that kind. But I do like animals.

Thatā€™s unbelievable, Tim. Its only ever been a pipe dream of mine. Never been crazy enough to try. But, someday, perhapsā€¦

Dr Phil Lips.


Our good friend Rick has a Doctor of Education Degree (Ed.D.)

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Yes it appears that ERā€™s, Drā€™s office, and Hospitals are not only charging more but higher CoPays to.
And on top of that the insurance Co. are reimbursing less. All because they are getting away with it.
Oh for general interest ER visit usually cost more

Get this! My endo office called me today and started making threats. They said I need to schedule an appointment now or they arenā€™t refilling any Rxā€™s. I was just there in January. They are starving for money, maybe. I have never had anybody do that before. An annual visit is typically fine. I have 4 months left. They also told me to get all the Rxā€™s out of his name immediately. He was asked to refill 1 insulin Rx in 8 months. Call the waaaambulance, Dr ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .

I hope they die of starvation.

The States did this. They shut down everything. I want a visit with mr Endo Doc but canā€™t get one because she closed up shop and left the country. Got to have a Zoom visit with her before she left. Had a co pay for it.

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Great. That was professional. Makes it sound like she went on the run from the law, lol.

My doctor wants me in twice a year. But she always fills prescriptions even when I donā€™t.
They just tell me at the pharmacy that the doctor wants me to make an appointment.
I canā€™t imagine your doctor is going to let you run out of insulin

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This one is piece of work. Heā€™s a diabetic. Makes it that much worse.
I finally snagged me a better one. This guys dead to me.