A lot of my doctors retired, well some anyway. One of them had already gone to one of those big conglomerations and it was almost impossible to get a proper prescription filled or get in contact with him and then he retired and didn’t even tell anybody- my longtime dermatologist.
I’ve been trying now for over a month to try to get them to prescribe the right steroid foam for me for my eczema which is now severe at flare ups, and that’s the only thing I’m allowed to use that treats it all. I saw someone who was not a true doctor but the next step down told her what I needed and still they keep calling in the wrong thing, what a bunch of idiots. You can’t call the office and directly anymore, only on very rare occasions, you get shuffled off to a call center which sounds like it may be in Russia, lol.
So I have tons of tubes of the cream which are useless to me because they irritate me. Another thing that happened was my other steroid ointment, they called in like 25 tubes of it, lol, so at least I can say I’m not gonna have to order it for another year and a half at least. They should start doing that with everything that lasts a long time and then you only pay one co-pay.
I have not gone to anybody except my endo and my cardiologist and finally my eye doc recently and my hematologist because I’m now on a blood thinner full-time again. I have not seen my GP since I had Covid and that was on video appointments, but I guess I’m going to have to go back there at some point- everyone there are such idiots, I’m really dreading it. I stopped trying to get vaccinations there now- I just go to the pharmacy because every time I made an appointment there when I come in they told me they didn’t have the vaccine because they gave it to someone else. I still have to get my flu shot but it took me a while to recover from my last Covid booster since I always have a reaction to every vaccination and I’m just delaying it because I’m masking when I’m teaching anyway and I’m halftime in teaching online now again thank Goodness. It takes me a month to recover from the flu shot. Plus I have to get another pneumonia vaccine and shingrix.
If you get one good doctor I guess you should be happy, that just seems that is what is happening lately. My brothers new go doctor is a crook- he was refusing to RX prescriptions for more than 30 days and he was trying to make him come in for an appointment each time. I kept calling the office and told them can you please rx 90 days like everybody else does and they kept saying they did it but they never did. Then finally my brother called them and got them to call in to the mail order pharmacy by some miracle.
Then they were sending him bills for an appointment when he didn’t even go in there, he just called up to get a prescription refilled. And they told him he was not going to have to pay that because the doctor supposedly wasn’t selected as his gp, although he was. Well I finally looked up the doctor online when he received another bill for like $500 again and it turned out his doctor was in a fraudulent enterprise with a pharmacy in Kentucky I think and instead of losing his license or being charged he had to pay $125,000 fine. The legal document was published online.
It turned out though that the bill was actually for his cardiologist who he saw only once after he got out of the hospital, he has afib now… they sent him to a collection agency and I don’t even remember getting any other bill for that. The first letter stated that he was going to be sent to a collection agency if they didn’t hear from him on the day that was already passed lol. Fortunately when he called the office they were very apologetic and they were going to try and take care of it. Let’s see what happens.
Very sadly there have always been a lot of fraudulent people. In medicine. And they need to get the hell out of it…I have never met so many vile, disgusting people in my life as during the murder of my father during that last month. They are a disgrace to the profession. It is not that time like when my uncle was a doctor, but even then there were a lot of negligent things happening which were covered up which he tried to report on one occasion. He saved someone’s life who almost died due to the negligence of a higher up doctor, his hospital superiors wouldn’t let him report it because they said it would ruin his career.
My cardiologist office I could never get anybody on the phone there, literally you have to wait for 20 minutes or longer, sometimes and a woman I spoke to once told me it was because everybody keeps quitting there, that’s why. Then they don’t charge me my co-pay when I’m there and I have to call them and keep sending in checks, that they never get, it is such a hassle. My father was going there too before he died and it was the same thing, there were a couple of times when he was too weak for me to get him there, he was wheelchair-bound and an invalid at that point due to covid, and I couldn’t even get ahold of anybody to tell them to cancel the appointment, so ridiculous.
There’s a lot more that I could say which is even worse than what I have written here but it would take a novel. If anybody hasn’t realized this yet this is all a sign of the collapse of the society, which began in serious a few years back.