Job interview

I have a job interview should I tel them Im on a insulin pump Type diabetic.

Or just wait ???

I would wait. I once had an employer freak out when he found out I was diabetic. Although technically, they can’t use that as an excuse to not hire you, if you give them anything about you that they don’t like, you won’t get the job. I once decided not to hire someone because of something she said on the phone to me when I was setting up the interview - she didn’t have a chance when she came in for the interview! I usually take a job and wait until they see that I am a good worker before I spring that on them.

Thanks I will do just that .This is my first interview since having D1 just was not sure of what to say.

Thanks again Kelly Your the best



What if they ask me about a illness or any limtations that can affect my performance.

Nah, it’s not relevant.
But, I got a story. I went for an interview, and I had testing supplies, insulin and syringes in my briefcase. I walked in the front door, was introduced to my potential new boss, held out my hand to shake hers… and spilled three syringes out of the top of the briefcase onto the floor. She leaned over, picked them up, and handed them to me.
Now — now do you reveal the diabetes at this interview, or not?
(I did)
I got the job.

What’s the job?

I’ve never had this question asked on an interview. I don’t believe employers are permitted to ask anything about illness. If the job requires physical strength/skills, they can ask about that because it’s directly related to the job duties.

If asked that question, I’d say, “I have no limitations & performed exceptionally well at my last (or current) job.” Of course, if that’s true:) If you’ve taken off 30 days sick in your last job, you don’t want them to check with your former employer & be a liar.

It’s not really relevant to your interview. It’s a medical device. How you regulate your BG is none of their business. Show up, show them you’re an asset, and if you feel comfortable let your co-workers know. They probably should know so that if you go low they don’t think you’re drunk. I’ve “come out” to everyone at the office because I do have hypoglycemia unawareness and I’ve been able to get assistance without a great deal of explanation.

Just because a body drops their works on the rub between you is no reason not to hire a person. How do you avoid the topic when a handful of syringes fall out of your case? There’s no way to whistle past that graveyard. It’s a great way to have a memorable interview.

Thanks Guys you all are a lot of help I feel much better and more relaxed.

Love and Bless you all


Great story TS

Good luck! Just concentrate on highlighting on how you’re perfect for the job.

They cannot ask you that. Period. If you have physical limitations, bring them up. Your ability to stand, lift or twist is physical and not related to your condition management. You’re going in for a pilot’s job or air traffic controller, right? Operating heavy equipment?

See? There is a place for don’t ask, don’t tell. It just has nothing to do with the military. :slight_smile:

“What if they ask me about a illness or any limitations that can affect my performance?” As long as ur A1c is with in control i do not think there is any EVIDENCE that diabetics perform any less than non -diabetics. When exactly will this be out of range only GOD knows. i mean no one can really tell as there are just too many factors that can effect BS and i guess most of us are aware of it.
The DMV lets u keep ur license as long as u keep showing them that ur A1c is with in reasonable limits (which we need to send them once in 2 years.) so the answer to the question would be a big YES.
u do not have to disclose it until they ask the specific question and i am pretty sure none of the paper work for lab work at the time of joining ur job asks for A1c. At most it might ask for fasting sugar and which u can take care of.

You have the right to protect ur medical information as long as u are not lying to any specific question of the job related paper work.

Good luck! Health information is private. They should only be concentrating on your job performance during the interview.

This lady has a good website about working with a chronic illness, and has a lot to say about how to handle your job, interviews, etc. She is very active on Twitter too

how would that help u get a job?

Joe if dont have any infro for me say nothing OK.

Thanks for all the help ,All went well Now I have to get a D.O.T exam from my Doc and Endo.