I have a different view of this. After having had T1 for almost 50 years and being a committed Sugar Surfer, if I had eaten skittles every time I was heading a bit lower, I would have eaten TONS of skittles. And the ingredients in skittles are eye opening: first three ingredients are sugar (ok, good), corn syrup (ok, pure glucose, even better), and hydrogenated palm kernel oil (WHAT - TRANS FAT!!!). Let alone that the fat is possibly slightly slowing down the glucose into bloodstream, more importantly I avoid trans fats assiduously. Once I found out skittles and starburst are made with trans fats, they became candies I USED to have occasionally, but never more.
So what do I eat as a sugar surfer when my BG is trending down at a reasonable rate - fruit of course! I keep small glass jars with raisins and or dates in all of our cars and next to my bed, so it is always there as a fallback. But I also always keep fresh fruit around, whatever is in season. When I’m at home, a down trending BG will send me to our pantry or fridge for the ripest fruit. And when headed out the door I’ll usually grab a couple pieces of whatever fresh fruit is ripe to have it when I’m running around. If I don’t need it I bring it home, ready for the next BG excursion.
When I buy fruit I buy it not just for freshness but also for size. And small or medium size fruit (apple, pear, orange, peach, 1/2 banana) is already packaged in 10 or 15g carb containers (their skin or peel) so no plastic tubs needed. Melon takes more of a commitment, so usually gets eaten at home, though I’ll sometimes cut some pieces into a Tupperware to take on the go.
Besides raisins and dates we almost always have apples and oranges (which last a LONG time in fridge) plus this week cantaloupe and red grapes; last week peaches and mangoes; couple weeks ago watermelon and bananas; kiwis and papaya; etc.
I don’t want it to sound like I never eat anything sweet besides fruit, I’ll sometimes treat a trending low with some chocolate chip cookie, Reese or other candy, even a pastry or ice cream if roaming around and that makes sense at the time. But I keep fresh fruit around because I love it, and try to go there first because I believe it is healthier for me in the long run (50 years and counting).
And I also DO always carry around smarties (glucose candy rolls), and each roll of these is 6g glucose. They are my desperate, fall back, last resort carb if my BG is going down fast and I want the fastest possible treatment. They are always kept in my BG meter case and cars forever, and have the same advantages as glucose tabs of being indestructible, pure glucose and therefore fastest possible treatment. Even when low I can count to three, so in the rare event I need them, they are easy to dose, whether I need 6, 12 or 18g carb.
But when it is not an all out emergency, I’ll head for fruit first. Teaching kids to eat real food is important! I was very lucky to have learned to eat vegetables and fruit of every variety from my mom who grew up on a farm.