
Ive having weird blood sugars for about a year. My A1c was always around 4.6-4.8. Fasting bs in the 80s. I’m not diagnosed diabetic.
For reasons I started checking my bloodsugar when my A1c went up to 5, and my fastings were in the high fasting insulin now is 3.5( if that matters)
I feel I can’t tolerate a lot of carbs Anymore .My bloodsugars 30 min after some meals will go to 150. Like bam. I will sometimes get this rush fatigue feeling( like I can feel the rise). Thanksgiving spiked me to 195, and had huge issues coming down. A home made Chinese meal spiked me to 190 at 40 min. Down to 106 at 2hrs. The months of last sept- nov, most of my 2 hours were 125-140 and fastings were 105-115. Then it got better again. Mostly I’m around 100-118 2 hours .
I can go 2 months with good bs and then have a week or 2 where I get these weird high spikes.
Sometimes I can’t even figure out what spikes me because one meal one day will do bad and the same meal the next day will do good.
I eat healthy exercise every day and I’m thin. I try not to eat over 100 carbs a day.I try not to eat over 100 carbs a day.
My daughter is type one and I have Hashimotos so my doctor wants to do an antibody panel. It’s pretty expensive so I wanted to get y’all‘s opinion if this sounds like LADA? Any insight?

Welcome to TUD @cansim! Non-diabetics can spike BGs, too, but that plus rising A1C plus Hashimotos, which can certainly be a fellow-traveler with T1, suggest you should go ahead and do the testing. At least that way you’ll be sure.

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another good link

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Anyone else??:pray:

You report a fasting insulin of 3.5. This source reports that the normal fasting insulin range is from 3-8 uIU/mL. So that number is normal.

If it were me, I would request that your doctor run an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) while also measuring insulin (an insulin assay). Your metabolism may be pushing put more insulin than normal in response to a meal challenge. Most doctors are only interested in measuring glucose but it turns out that insulin over-reaction to meals is a more sensitive and much earlier indicator of glucose disfunction.

Dr. Joseph Kraft, now deceased, devoted his career to this issue. Study this graph to understand how the insulin response to food can help identify a failing glucose metabolism.

You can see an Ivor Cummings interview of Dr. Kraft here. I highly recommend it.

So could that mean LADA?

It could be LADA, but more likely type 2 diabetes. A smart and motivated doctor could help you sort this out.

Haha… that will be hard to find! It’s been tough to find any good dr:(
I highly doubt it’s type 2. I’m 36 healthy eat healthy , very thin . I couldn’t have developed type 2… I was just curious if this is a pattern In LADA.

My comment on the likelihood of your symptoms being T2D is only based on the fact that there are many more people with T2D in the world than T1D. I am not a doctor and even if I was one, could not responsibly diagnosis from an Internet forum.

I encourage you to seriously consider getting an insulin assay test. If you come up normal then you could safely relax and not let this trouble you. Perhaps you could give a copy of Dr. Joseph Kraft’s book, Diabetes Epidemic & You, to him/her to underline the fact that there is good reason to order an insulin assay test. There is little to no downside in an insulin assay test and might relieve you of this reasonable health concern you have.

It could be LADA, or it could still be Type 2. I admit you are young, but being overweight does not cause T2. T2 causes weight gain. If you are early in your journey that may not have kicked in yet, but at 100 carbs a day it still might.

Get the antibody tests. I wish I had done that earlier.

I hope it turns out to be nothing.

So you eventually got the antibodies and was positive?

I was misdiagnosed as T2 and not tested until 12 years later, at which point I was positive for the antibodies and my diagnosis was changed.

I really can understand being diagnosed incorrectly for a short time, but once we get into years, how is this possible?
Once you stop making insulin it should become apparent rather quickly. Unless I guess if your LADA took many years to develop.
Someone needs to teach doctors that there is a very large grey area between types.
This is not a new phenomenon.
There are simple tests to sort it out.
I’m just dumbfounded that more and more people keep getting diagnosed wrong.

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Not always true.

My mom was diagnosed Type 2 in her 50s, normal/underweight (then and now), now almost 90. Never on insulin, still taking type 2 meds only.