Lantus Peak time?

It is not supposed to peak however my daughter peaks right when you think its supposed to be finished. At like hour 22.

It peaked on me and seemed “hard” I have switched to Levemir and it works much better for me…no early am drop anymore…split my dose as well.

so you take it 2x a day? every 12 hours??

i finally got hold of my nurse she said that sometimes one hour after people take Lantus it lowers their blood sugar a ton…fyi!

2x day…at 8am and 9-10 pm. I take 20units in am and 10units pm. Seems to be working really well, no more of the 5-7 am drop! I use to drop 50-80 pts. at that time on lantus??

How can that be? i don’t think so. Just my opinion. I have been on Lantus (up until 2 weeks ago) since it first came out, many,many yrs. ago and that has never happened to me…Humalog YES!

yeah who knows! that’s what she said… maybe she was blowing smoke up my…uh…skirt! LOL can you tell me what you like about the L____ that you replaced Lantus with?

Sure, and if you split Lantus dose into two shots, then each dose will have smaller peak vs one shot

true…I started to split with Lantus a few months ago…I was getting a little overlap which made it hard to judge my humalog right. So, I switched to Levemir and it is less “peaky” on me. I think it is :softer" if that makes sense. I was dropping too much from 5am-7am for some reason as well on Lantus. The last 2 weeks since I have been on Levemir that has not happened(thank goodness) Everyone is different…just glad it is working better for me.

awsome! i’m dropping between 4 and 7 a.m. i’ll ask my endo what he thinks. they just put me on a waiting list for CGMS- one of those things that records your blood sugar every 5 min. i need to do research on that and Levemir. i’ve been on lantus for years now so maybe my body is trying to tell me something… like it’s sick of lantus.
thanks for all your help robyn!

You are welcome…I think my body was “sick” of lantus too…funny thing is I had a rash on my back for years, and now that I am on the Levemir it seems to be going away??? Plus, the Levemir does not cause weight gain (yeah)…maybe I can drop a few more lbs. good luck and let me know how it goes for you.

Lantus is slow acting. It should last 24 hrs. It does somewhat peak and come back down over 24 hrs. My fasting sugar was too high, so I gradually split the lantus to morning shot and bedtime shot. About 12 hours apart. It took care of my morning highs. I now take 12 units am and 16 units pm. By splitting Lantus will help eliminate the peak and gives you a steady release. Hope this helps

Thank you so much Sid! Why do you take less in a.m. and more in p.m?? i have ideas… but i’ll see if i’m right :slight_smile: also what time do you take them and what determines that time?

I’ll let you know robyn thanks! I’m not making any huge changes yet- brought down lantus from 20 now to 15 units and we’ll see how that goes.
i betcha youre right about the rash. all this stuff we inject into us isnt supposed to be there and our bodies dont like it. keeps us alive though right?!
thank you for all your help!

Can’t say about Sid but some people take more L at night to combat dawn phenomenon (you know, a rise in bg during early morning hours).

The morning fasting bs is the reflection of pm. lantus. If my fasting is too low in the morning, then I take less lantus. My fasting bed time bs is the reflection of am lantus. Lantus sets the base for the day. I guess theoretically, you should able to skip all meals and have a steady bg.

I make my own adjustment along with my wife. We work on this together as a team. This has avoided errors. Less in the am. just happen to work well for now. My Lantus is fairly stable. I make incremental two units change if needed and wait a few days before making more changes. Also my Apidra ratio to carbs changes a couple of times per year. This changes with the season, more busy, less busy, etc. Accurate charting really helps. See a sample of my chart on My Page. P.S. 10am. injection and 10pm injection. I am retired and a nitehowl. If you are working and eat around 7am., to your injection and you should take the pm. injection around 7pm. It is not critical, just consistent.

True…that is what I can finally do…been basal testing since January. What a chore and headache that is!!!

Thanks Gerri- what are you using instead of lantus?

i use my dryer :slight_smile: i’m lazy though!