thanks don i think that’s what’s happening to me too!
that’s interesting b/c someone else in the discussion takes it twice a day but takes less in the morning and more at night. why dont you just take the same amt at each time?
LOL a “phenomenon” huh? that’s a nice way to put it! if that’s the case then we r all phenomenons because half the time even when we do things by the book, things turn out different LOL
thanks for your insight don!
what is basal testing? and why have i never heard of it through my dr!
thanks i’ll check out your page. great insight too!
Just remember that EVERYONE is DIFFERENT. You have to figure out what works best for YOU. There is a science to what and why we do things for diabetes. Everyone is doing basicaly the same thing for the treatment. It is an ART to getting it right for you. It is also a pain in the ■■■. Excuse the lanuage here, it can see that you are an adult. There is no way to say this in an accurate way.
I used to have pretty strong lows on Lantus about 18 hours after injecting (3-4pm, usually took my lantus at 9-10pm just before bed)… but for me it wasn’t so much that it was peaking, as I just needed much less insulin at that time of day. I tried all kinds of combinations of things, what finally worked was cutting my Lantus dose down by about a third and adding that insulin in as NPH at night, so I had more basal coverage overnight when I needed it, and much less in the afternoons when I didn’t… it was frustrating figuring that out though, and by the time I figured it out, I had already started the process to get on a pump.
When I started pumping, we quickly figured out that my basals at night were a LOT higher than what I needed after lunch and into the afternoon. For a while I was running a basal of .15u/hr from 12-5pm, while my basal for part of the night was over a unit an hour. For some reason my basal needs changed after my second child was born though, so the weird afternoon thing stopped for me - I still need less insulin then, but not dramatically less. My night basals stayed very similar to before.
I am not pumping right now and I am doing the Lantus/NPH combo again, but I take more Lantus and less NPH than I did 7 years ago… BS is much more stable than back then too.