Levels stay high

My son is type 1 and takes lantus for his daily and humalog for his fast acting. He has been taking insulin for two years now,problem is that lately his levels remain high and even when he gets up in the morn his levels are still very high.He's been drinking a lot and complaining of being sick.Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or suggestions.ty

If your son is a teenager or pre-teen, then changes in hormones can cause insulin resistance which can lead to highs and the need for more insulin. If he has been high consistently, I would raise his insulin doses (either Lantus or Humalog or both) to bring him down.

If your child has been consistently very high for a few days and hasn't been feeling well, he may be at risk for DKA. Have you tested him for ketones? If he isn't better, vomits, or his numbers stay extremely high I would recommend taking him to the ER.

He may, on the other hand, have some kind of bug and this could also drive his numbers up, but it is important to talk to his doctor to know the difference between the two, and most of all it's important to correct and get the numbers down.

Ty Zoe and he hasn't been tested lately and he has been sick for a few days

I don't know if you received my reply but he is 19 and ty

I personally, would at least talk to his doctor or endo. DKA is not something to mess with.

ty for your help

I somehow missed the part about him being sick. I agree with Zoe, if he is sick and he is running high, and you have tried giving extra insulin and he remains high, then you want to make sure to check ketones and talk with a doctor.

ty for all your help

he probably has DP dawn phenomenon (sp?) and needs more insulin. Does he see an endo, please connect with his D Team. What is high, what are his fasting levels, where is he at bedtime? He also may be coming out of his honeymoon period where a re-evulation of his insulin needs need to be addressed. I agree too, if his numbers are high and not coming down with corrections, please seek medical attention and connect with his Endo.

He has just come out of his honeymoon stag,and he has not seen an Endo. His numbers are high 20 to 30 bedtime has been high but last night he was back to normal at 6. My son just started back to teaching skiing yesterday and after work he felt great.

Looking for the cause it's useful to prevent things from happening again but in the end we should always dose the right amount of insulin. Just shoot more units and get back on track!

There are many possible reason but let me tell you that being a teen and diabetic is a mess sometimes.

He has taken more units without any positive results but I think he really doesn't pay that close attention to what he puts in his mouth.He got up this morning and his levels were normal.I think he should try the insulux meter yellow.

20-30 (360-540 to us in the mg/dl world...) is pretty dangerous in the long term. You don't provide a lot of details but I would think that it's time to get to square one, recalculate how much insulin he needs and get the doses adjusted, basically taking more insulin but the $64 question is always how much more. I've read that it's hard to see endos in Canada and, if you can't do that quickly, I would start by making adjustments on my own but I've been it it for a while.

It may be a bit risky to DIY but books ("Think Like a Pancreas", "Using Insulin", "Your Diabetes Science Experiment") all contain pretty detailed directions on how to start trying to figure this out. I think that the 20-30 you report is probably way beyond "dawn phenomenon" as Sarah is suggesting although, before I got a pump, elevated morning BG were often a crappy way to start every day that was very hard to overcome.

Testing and recording data can be a very important method of figuring out correct basal rates and bolus ratios if they are not correct and, if your son is running up to 20-30 regularly (I've had one day where I hit that ballpark in the last like 5 years but I am a whackjob), the rates/ ratios he's using are not correct, even if they came from a doctor. If you can provide more details, e.g. does his BG crash out after fixing those situations?, perhaps we can provide some help but this is a big project. I hope that you can get it figured out sooner rather than later. I still remember how ghastly I felt when I was dx'ed and it's not fun!