Lite Beer

Peter, google “carbs in beer.” Guiness Extra Stout is a 20 carber. I love Guiness, but rarely drink one becausof the cargs. Get that carb list in your favorites for reference.


My 19 year old daughter is on the pump and is a party girl who loves to drink. I don’t really recommend this and I am not a doctor, but what she does is sets her pump so that the nighttime basal is 20-30% lower than usual. (Aren’t pumps amazing?!) So far, this works from stopping the lows in the middle of the night.

I share a bottle of wine with my husband 3-5 nights a week. As I said above, I only see my blood sugars go down with the wine.

I do check my blood sugars before I go to bed, and have occasionally lowered my basal if my glucose is lower than 100 or so.

I’m not a Type 1, so not sure how that works. But I do know at least two Type 1s in real life - one on a pump, one doing MDI - and both drink alcohol. One (the MDI one) told me he makes sure to eat carbs when he has alcohol to avoid going too low, and he has excellent blood sugar control & is thin & healthy.

The guy on the pump, on the other hand, seems to be in terrible control, is overweight, and has had complications with his eyes. He was diagnosed in the early 1950s, though, and at initial diagnosis the docs told his mother he wouldn’t live past 20. So he’s gone through a lot, and had many years where we didn’t have the drugs/knowledge we have now.

We have a great beer site on this board. all of you are welcome if you wouldl like to join us, we woudl love to have you.


Budwise and Coors are not beers. I drink regular ales (Samuel Adams or something imported). I simply adjust my meal plan to account for the carbs and I never drink more than one. A six pack will last me weeks.

Dear Barb.

It is confusing why some type 1 and type 2 do poorly and some do great. Met an oldtimer at my favorite fly shop in calgary who was injecting Lantus and Novorapid about 55 units per day and was slim and trim and in the best of health.

this subject just might merit some research. LOL